Unfortunately @Director Abbie , I need to know the person and/or have observed them over a long period of time in order to really provide a more solid guess as to type. Otherwise it's just based on vague impressions...not that they are necessarily incorrect all the time.

So really, it's up to you, what you think fits you best. I found this from Katherine Fauvre:

The social instinct will seek a mate that could potentially insure the desired security that rank and social status can provide… or a mate with a shared social vision. Or, the social could be anti-social and avoid having a mate and others. Once the mate chosen and in place, the social will return to their outside interests, groups and/or activities. An area of pain and disappointment for the social type is when they have a mate that is unwilling to pay attention to their need for people, activities, causes and/or is unwilling to share their interest in others.

The sexual instinct will seek the greater world and become more social to find "the" desired mate. It is about chemistry and intensity. One must be social to find "the one" among the many. But, only "the one" will do. Some sexual types will try over an over again to find "the one" while other sexual instinctual types will abstain from dating or pairing until they magically encounter their twin flame or special mate. Once the mate is selected they will focus on twinship and become a pair even in groups. They want to fuse totally and completely with their desired other dissolving boundaries and creating their own private world. An area of pain and disappointment for the sexual is when they have a mate that is unwilling to pay attention to their need for intimate contact, intensity and union on all levels.
Of course, she talks about mating and romantic relationships, but you can replace that with "friendships" if you would like to.

Which one do you see yourself more in? I know you have talked about how you may or may not relate to SX descriptions, but what about Social? How do you - or not - relate to it?

I do agree with Fauvres that SX is about the 'one on one' connection and intimacy and it's "not about sex." At least, not as blatantly sexual as many like to make it. It might be for them, but not necessarily the only manifestation of SX.

This is also from Katherine Fauvre:

Both positively and negatively identified sexual instinctual types long for their favorite, their beloved and the object of their desire whether a life partner or a lifelong friend.