Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
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Just imo Abbie, what you described under your friendships I would consider as so rather than sx. You might end up coming to a different conclusion, but thought I'd put my 2c in.
I thought social too but only going on what I know of Abbie. Her self presentation I suppose. She may not reveal the sx side of herself on the forum. She is a different E type and socionics type so I have to remind myself this is based on how I view other sx firsts and myself.

It's like I can feel the magnetism with them even if I never speak to them. Even if they never speak a word to me either. It is not a physical thing. It is energy. They can look physically repulsive and I wouldn't go near them with a ten foot pole yet I see it.

I have the added bias of sx 4 and fighting the desire to be unique, which isn't too hard anymore. I only really offer some of my own experiences one on one these days since I still believe that if I share to much I will alienate others. I basically spoon feed myself to people I think can't handle it. I was not always like that. It just comes with experience and I am pretty sure a lot of people have not lived a life similar enough to mine to relate. I feel I am more balanced with my instincts now which is a plus.