Self-preservation Instinct

In balance:

  • Take care of your overall health and wellbeing
  • Focus on what keeps your life grounded and running: finances, home and car repairs, etc.
  • Cultivate a supportive and comfortable domestic life
  • Appreciate the basics: enjoying simplicity in life

Out of balance:

  • Challenges with self-care: poor sleep or nutrition, ignore physical needs
  • Rigidity or procrastination around needs related to your body, home, or finances
  • Lack of financial abundance, or scarcity consciousness
  • Overly attached to routines, or lacking structure in life

Sexual (or Attraction) Instinct

In balance:

  • Aware of attraction: both of what we are attracted to and of our own power to attract
  • Feel vital and alive: open to new experiences, willing to take risks, learn new things, and explore your edge
  • Ability to immerse oneself deeply — to “merge” energetically with lovers, to spontaneously flow with eros and inspiration

Out of balance:

  • Lose yourself in intimate relationships: difficulty with healthy attachment
  • Can become addicted to romance and excitement
  • Narcissistic display and/or shame
  • Obsessive tendencies or energetic deadness

Social Instinct

In balance:

  • Skilled at reading people and situations
  • Consistently create and maintain connections with intimates, friends, and colleagues
  • Participate in and contribute to your friendships, family, community, etc.

Out of balance:

  • Overly concerned with the opinions of others — fear of social mistakes and loss of support
  • Excessive focus on others or lack of awareness of their needs
  • Over-committing or avoiding commitments
  • Social insecurity can lead us to avoid communicating or dominate the conversation to cover up feelings of inadequacy