Quote Originally Posted by VenusRose View Post
It's just my personal understanding of it, I am not an expert on it haha...
but I feel like probably both first and and second would be "high strength." I think the thing is, all the instincts are very "strong" in that they are instincts, and those are things that people do feel like they need. Even though I have SP last, of course SP is still very important for me - at the very basic level it is about survival...
If someone's life is in danger, for instance, SP will be activated regardless of where it is
If someone is consistently bullied by his peers throughout school, the social instinct will take a huge hit regardless of where it is positioned.

I feel like all the instincts are generally speaking, as human beings, things we need in order to feel healthy.

But also, I feel like maybe the first is "high strength" as well because I am not sure I understand "moderate strength" for the first one. The neuroticism makes sense, going down the stacking.
You bring up good points. Maybe the first instinct is as strong as the second and the only difference is that we care more about the first. The last instinct despite being the weakest and caring about it the least, we still worry about if it becomes negative. I'd definitely care if my so was bad enough that it started affecting me negatively. You could change the first instinct to high strength and the last instinct to moderate neuroticism and it could possibly be correct. It is difficult to tell though, but perhaps we can reach a consensus on this matter with this thread eventually.