Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
Yes. Again, squark already corrected me on that. I figured it wasn't necessary to edit the first post for something that's been said right below it.
Ok, I suppose I missed that you agreed with.

How does instinct imply knowledge? If anything, it suggests acting without knowledge. Gut rather than mind.
I guess it doesn't, but in my experience, sp-firsts are far more proficient at sp than I am being sp-last. They instinctively know how to manage sp in a way that I don't or care not to attend to, which isn't to say that they're always good at either.

Hm. I wonder whether the stackings could relate to heart-head-gut.
Idk but I have seen this proposed somewhere before.

So are you saying that the main misconception is in associating sx with Fi and so with Fe? I used to do the latter.
No, not exactly the main misconception, but I think people can misuse one for the other. I still have a hard time telling them apart tbh.

I'm saying that not thinking in terms of sexuality doesn't exempt one from being sx. That part of sx just wouldn't be part of their sx.
Sure, so if it wasn't, then what would they think about? I'm just curious how you would conceptualize sx without this, not saying if it's right or wrong. And perhaps besides relationships too, if that would be your answer. Basically if someone was completely cut-off from everyone, so that you couldn't foster any form of relationship, how would they show their instinct? It's still there. It doesn't go away, if it's instinctual.