If I were to bet money(which I don't have), I would bet you were an intuitive and INxp. You seem rather flexible internally from what you write. Your writings are more along the line of what an intuitive would spend their time thinking about. SEIs aren't interested in these types of things, and if they are, they aren't SEI. Si and Se is really the absence of intuition, even if people around here don't want to admit it. If you are somewhere in the middle of S and N, you aren't either. Whatever is the largest discrepancy between everything else is your dominant realm. I wouldn't worry about the F and T. It is okay if you find balance between the two, there isn't a law or a scientific reason why it cannot be the case beyond l trying to adhere strictly to the theory. Intuitive introverts, people that are considered "open" in the Big Five, tend to be very aware of their emotions, as using intuition brings them into that realm of emotion and feeling. They are connected for them, especially "gut feelings". Something is telling you that you may not have yet found the right description for yourself.

You may also consider Ne, which is much more energetic and scattered than Ni. What do you resonate with the more?