Last night out at dinner, I sat near a bona fide SEI. She sat crosslegged in her booth with shoes on the floor even though it was a fine restaurant. She was obviously emotionally strong without being aggressive. There really wasn't much thinking about her. I couldn't help but overhear her conversation with the quiet young man seated across from her. But I couldn't help but ask myself - are we REALLY the same type? I get deeply emotional easily yet her emotionality seemed vibrant and frivolous yet not fully extroverted. I don't know. It got me wondering if I am not an Fe type and might need to tweak more. It also made me wonder if it is possible to be ISXP and be half thinking half feeling and to share intertype relational splits with others. I also speculated if I might be ESTJ and supervised that girl perhaps. Then I look through @Sol 's Delta photos in the 34-page thread and to my chagrin, just a few of his alleged EIIs I type EIE or IEI. Others had eyes that I would suspected were alpha NTs and certainly my duals. So I wondered a lot if my SEI typing is correct. There are other reasons why I feel unhappy typing as SEI. It makes me feel doomed to never having a fully successful career again as I used to in T fields years ago. So there is motivation to change my self-concept to find new hope and prospects for my career potential. Also, I talked with a friend today who I used to work with years ago. She said I was very detailed in my work. So that seems to indicate staying with an Si type (even though I loathe most basic clerical work). I am thankful for others guesses about my type and take all into consideration.

With such a wide variety of typings people collect, and the fact that most typings on this site over the years suck, (tend to be inaccurate), it makes me wonder too if another axis needs to be introduced. Heck I mean some of us could be typing astrological energies and archetypes beyond the 16/32 system.

I am not feeling very silky right now and feeling bummed out about typings too.

If I know anything, it is that in intro calculus with taking derivatives it studies not the slope of a point, but the slope of the TANGENT line to a curve at a given point location. @Adam Strange