Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
Well, Moony, I get what you're saying. I used to aim at absolute certainty too, but the more I learn, the less I am convinced that's the case, for real. A good example, and connected to the systems of psychological typing, is astrology. We're accustomed to use the western system of reference for astrology, I am a Sagittarius, I'm pretty sure of that, it's objectively true... according to the system I use, which is a cultural set of rules meant to make sense of the world under our eyes. But I'd become a Scorpio in Vedic astrology, for as valid reasons, cultural and scientific, again, as the ones that make me say that I'm a Sagi. They're pretty different signs, as you know, yet I can see myself in both signs, although my cultural preferences and conception of the world make me stick to what I recognize better, that is, my western view of the world, a more sensual, less spiritual view, compared to Vedic.

In the end, socionics is just a big brain masturbation. : D I've given up trying to relate to it as if it was holding the key to my life, because none got that key but me. Not Jung, not Beebee, not someone who's figured everything out, knows how the world truly turns.. we all are pretty uncategorizable, and even if it would be great to think there's an easy way out of our problems, there's not, or, at least, that's definitely not grabbed by a scheme that depicts our 8 cognitive functions.

I've been out of this forum for some months, socionics doesn't rule my relationships with people (I think that's one of its shadiest aspects), and now that I'm back, and try to make sense of what the others are trying to say, figure out how they'd fit into this silly theory that's supposed to make us find the true love of our lives, best job, best self expressions and everything else... well, I see that even the supposedly experts have no goddamn idea of what they're saying.

The link to the functions I gave you yesterday, which is the very core of socionics, made me realize that most people around here are willing to twist every single piece of the theory, just to fit better inside the system. Just to feel ok about themselves... but, can I blame that?, isn't that ultimately what a system of self betterment should do?, to make us feel ok in our own skin...

Reading that link, you'll see a cute dichotomy: static and dynamic. Now, all dynamic extroverts are -j, while all introverts dynamic are -p. I never realized it well before.. but it's the same that goes on in MBTI, which gets all of our critiques, ok, but it's just the same, although inverted: in MBTI, introverts with a leading rational function are P, as you know, etc etc.
Static and dynamic are somewhat synonims of MBTI -P and -J. Our supposed socionics dual will be the contrary of us, dynamics go with statics and statics with dynamic, which is just like saying: P and J attract each others.

Ultimately, I think there are 8 core types in the system, all the rest just stems out of our need to fit into what we think is the cutest quadra, elements, etc, that are made of people we think fit into that too, and we like them better or worse or...

I read this link this morning


which led me to these links.




I am not sure if these links are a lot better but I did agree with some major points they make on the dichotomies.