I had some time and perspective to look at the acconting problem again and I wanna say this was definitely a Te/Ti clash.

The way I see it, I used Ti, as I always do, to solve a Te problem. I adhered to my personal logical understanding of a system and an interpretation of it that in my mind was reasonable --this is Ti. My point of view was of the Ti sort: in my mind, it makes no sense to use 4 digits because there isn't even such a thing as a 10th or 100th of a cent because I never use it.

Obviously, though, financial matters don't work that way and in an objective system, there is such a thing as a 10th or 100th of a cent and it is used for the whole system to function in a logical and smooth way, no matter what I think about it . That is Te. I personally have a hard time adhering to objective and external systems because my thinking is of the opposite attitude. Te irritates me. And since I, as a person (not as a type) react to my own irritation with irrational fear, I also got scared. Is Te my PoLR? Who knows. It could be my Ignoring, for all I know.

But, in conclusion, my thinking: Ti. My problem area: Te.