Quote Originally Posted by Vice View Post
Sorry for the late reply. I’ve had a long week of working, partying, and partying so hard I landed in the hospital. LOL. (Thus goes my crazy meat bag mixture of creative Fi, PoLR Ti, and Ep... or beta values if I’m a beta, who knows. See we all have our issues with getting our types. )
No problem! And I know that bit where you party till you drop. I hope you are well.

Well to me it seems you sort of lack the flexibility (and fickleness) of creative Fi and have more of the inner stability of base Fi. In your answers and video you seem to be pulling from inside yourself more than I would expect from an extravert. ENFp and ESFp also put situational relationships ahead of what makes logical sense (and often health, for Si ignoring SEE - like me) and you don’t seem to do that from what I’ve seen. That’s probably the biggest stand out of creative Fi to me.
Okay, but this doesn't really explain where you see Fi. Not just introversion, but Fi specifically. Not saying I'm not a bit rigid because I am . I try to hide it and people usually see me as laid back but I know full well how much that costs me. Kudos to you for noticing that!

Base Fi is more sure of what it won’t do for relationships, especially ESI. At least that’s my interpretation. You seem more sure of where your relationships stand to begin with. Creative Fi is more wishy washy or unsure, or sure one minute and not the next. You vibe more secure in Fi.
Interesting impression here, about how I seem more cofindent of what I won't do for a relationship. I have to think about it, really, because I'm not sure I have these clear boundaries in me. A lot of the world feels very circumstantial to me and it would be a lie if I said I have a lot of rules that I follow for myself. It would be great if you could explain how you see Fi vs Fe for me.

You also seem easy to push and pressure so we know low Se is confirmed - I think Se PoLR or suggestive is a lot more clear than Se role. Let the Beta STs do the explainin’ there.
Low Se confirmed . But I personally disagree with PoLR Se. I enjoy Se-related things way too much. I'd say I'm easier to pull rather than push. I hate being told what to do but I like to be invited to follow a person who has their own initiative to do things. This is a huge difference in my mind. Also, while I could be seen as easy to push, I am well aware of my own pushing influence on others. I've made so many people lose all their initiative it feels like I'm a natural de-activator of people I come in close relationships with; my influence on others is very strongly relaxing and enabling in a Si kind of way. Which I usually hate because I often get close with people who don't have a lot of initiative to begin with, while I need someone to pull me out and push me to do stuff, so we both end up sunken on the sofa and while they might actually enjoy their Si, too much of it makes me very bored and unhappy and itching to do something. And that's where I'd love to see some Se from someone else to pull me out of the sofa.

I also doubt any T type as you’ve made the NF part clear. Doing taxes doesn’t make you any less so in the same way that your mom not doing it doesn’t make her not LSE. Which is another thing - YOU CAN HAVE ISSUES WITH YOUR DUAL. Duals are two very different people in the same way that conflict is two very different people; not to mention health levels of both.
Yeah, I tend to agree about not being a T type. But honestly, if a dual relation can form in a very asymmetrical way where one person has a total and brutal control over the other and the other is being forced to conform to ideas and beliefs of what is good for them, according to the controlling person, just because, oh, *different health levels* and *types play out in different ways*, then I do not believe in anything socionics has to say anymore. It's just not soft science anymore. It's liquid bullshit. Sorry.

I hope that helped somewhat, but my low Ti ass probably made it more confusing.
Not confusing, really. I think you've just helped me clarify some things in my mind. Thanks!