Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
(sorry, I answered to Adam's point basically.)

how was she supposed to know how to do accounting if someone doesn't explain her? it's not like we're born knowing how to fill a paycheck and whatnot. that's not Te = process result. she's lacking Ti = knowhow, instructions. it hurts when she's shown she can't manage it.
Yeah, this does make sense to me. If someone shows me step by step how to do stuff, I'll do it as shown and won't stray off the path. That way, if something I did turns out wrong, it's not even my fault, because I was told this was the right thing to do! It's someone else's fault for teaching me wrong! Yeah, I'm hopeless with things like that, with procedures. I always worry I'll do the wrong thing. Example: in an airport I will always feel totally overwhelmed, I never know where to go, what to do in what order, who to show the papers, when, what, in the end it turns to 'whyyyyy!? Let's just not go at all.' Whenever I'm on a train, I'm about 70% convinced I took the wrong one and will end up in a different place than planned. That's actually why I hate travelling.

(I also never read instructions for putting stuff together, I just intuit how to do it and get angry if I can't make it work .)