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Thread: Can you help? Am I ENFp or INFp?

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  1. #1
    ooo's Avatar
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    sorry Moon, I thought through this but got confused...

    I'd say that Ne and Si are valued functions for you, and by your discourses I've always thought you could be a F > T.

    This would leave us with either a gamma SF, or a delta NF. I haven't watched your video again, I don't remember if you've expressed your approach to your surrounding, or the things that set you in motion, I mean, I have a hard time figuring if you're an Extro or Intro-vert.

    For the way you look, your self containment and general manners, I'd say you could be an Introvert.. but perhaps an IEE can be similarly "quiet".

    The Psychologist is an archetype fitting both Delta NFs, sure, everyone can be, my ENTp cousin is a psychologist too, as was Aushra, and many other ESI or NFs or whatever, everyone can be everything.. but, if you have that kind of attitude, perhaps that fits to the general idea of the NF, who likes to help people out rather practically.

    I don't want to push a type upon you, but I wanted to say since the scratch that you look just like one of my mbti INFJ besties, I have no idea how to convert her into socionics, I think she's in between j/p.

  2. #2
    ToTheMoon's Avatar
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    No worries! If I don't get what I am, how are others supposed to know? I'm glad you want to talk to me, though, and thank you for that. I find asking and being asked questions help me see myself a bit better.

    So yeah, about valued functions, I have a question: how does one say which ones they value? Is this based on Fi-type feeling of attraction or repulsion towards a function? Or should we look at how it plays out in the open?
    I'm asking this because I'm not sure how you got Ne and Si as my valued functions from my description. Maybe I'm simply misunderstanding the term? Or maybe I was too subtle in trying to say that I pretty much dislike Si and Ne is troublesome for me.

    I agree about being F after all. I don't even know how I thought I was Te creative. I'm literally the least Te-competent person I know. I can't even buy train tickets without feeling anxious. I'm never fully prepared for such a difficult task...! How do I talk to the lady in the window? What mood is she in? What if I make a mistake and say the wrong hour? What if I forget mid-sentence the name of the place I'm supposed to go (really happens to me, not funny at all)? Ah, the horrifying rules devoid of human touch...

    As for being a psychologist --my likely ENTj mother is a professional psychologist, so you're right, anyone can be one with correct education steps taken . Anyway, I kinda always feel pushed into that role. When it works, it's nice and invigorating. But when people just want to come and complain, I wanna sign out. When I'm unable to make people see themselves better and work on improving themselves, I'm brought down to this polite listener role which I don't find fitting at all.

    At the same time, when I am in a company where I feel familiar and safe, and I don't currently play the 'psychologist' or 'teacher', I tend to be very lighthearted and goofy, I laugh all the time, I try to make people happy with my positive attitude. I don't think people see me as introverted because I can be quite energetic, especially when I am around people who are confident and decisive --it's as if I'm drawing energy from them and can transform it into fun and unusual ideas. I can be a sort of a funnel through which new ideas emerge and get realized in real life. I am well aware I can't realize many of them on my own but with a good company, anything is possible.

    During a typical week, I will spend time by myself or see my boyfriend two or three times. I live alone now and am really happy with it. If I see people three days in a row, I'm exhausted. Recently I noticed that depending on the quality of conversation, I can be tired to the point physically having to rest for a day or I can be uplifted and energized. Last week, I spent a day with my friends, discussing MBTI in a very Ti manner (they were trying to type themselves and I was helping by explaining the theory) and that was great, made me feel energized. On the other hand, when I met with a couple of other friends recently and they started talking Si stuff: literally about how they bought new vacuums and now used them routinely and even got their boyfriends to use them, I wanted to shoot myself. I have no way of relating to that. I got irritated on the inside and jokingly mentioned that I only vacuumed, like, once a month if I remembered, which created a moment of awkward silence where we all wished I hadn't just said that.

    So maybe that answers the question whether I'm I or E lead. Or not!
    At this again.
    9w1 sx/so
    Cancer Sun, Mercury and Mars, Virgo Ascendant and Moon, Taurus Venus. Fortunately spiced up with Uranus on IC.

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