Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
That sounds sound to me, but naturally I'm no expert. It does seem to explain the effect my bringing up had on me so why not, I'm gonna say you're onto something .
Awesome lol glad another person does. Seems to hold true across a number of examples.

Hah, how fun. One of my best friends is a girl I met by complete chance for quasi-professional reasons and we just clicked. She's self-confirmed ESTJ. We just love each other to bits and somehow naturally do the right things for each other. When I think about my mother who I suspect is also ESTJ, she's very much like my friend, only kinda weirdly 'distorted' in some places.
Duality is a shitload of fun if/when you can find it

I mean sometimes, maybe... But I might just be in denial about my Te .
lol likely. The suggestive function is the weakest that you like, so understandings of it are always dog shit. Ni to me may as well just be black magic. It exists behind an event horizon, cognitively, for me. The most I can conceptualize is "meaning" and its use only comes in quick flashes of insight that get translated through higher functions.

This sounds pretty true to me. Although I think I've now reached that zone where anything sounds kinda true (except for things that don't make any sense but that's a pretty low threshold). I need to refresh my brain .
lmao sounds good. Eventually comparison to other confirmed types can help dial some of this in. I was typed LSI-Se for a while but eventually it set in that I'm not 1-dimensional Fe (referring back to Luminous Lynx's link) like the LSI's on here.

No worries! It's in the past and I'm comfortable with it now. Thanks for your input and time, it's greatly appreciated.
That's great to hear and my pleasure.