Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
Umm, depth I guess. I have very few close friends, three maybe. Even with them I'm not really able to open up and show my whole self but I do long for that deep connection. Then there are some friends that I like to socialize with just to have fun. Then there's the group from my studies I mentioned in my first post, but that's a different sort of connection and it only happens rarely when we have some bigger party or get-together.

Searching for outside validation sounds like me, sadly. I'm working on being more sustainable and only having to consult my inner self for expertise on myself but it's hard.
Don’t be sad. You are wonderful the way that you are. The more that you understand yourself and the better that you are able to communicate the deeper the relationship ma you will be able to build.

Remember being your twin how you feel is the same feeling that exists and swells inside of me.

So I feel you well. I feel your reservations about opening up your secret recesses and being understood deeply only to be hurt and misunderstood or not accepted.