Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
With friendship do you prefer depth or breath?
Umm, depth I guess. I have very few close friends, three maybe. Even with them I'm not really able to open up and show my whole self but I do long for that deep connection. Then there are some friends that I like to socialize with just to have fun. Then there's the group from my studies I mentioned in my first post, but that's a different sort of connection and it only happens rarely when we have some bigger party or get-together.

Okay do your research but you should know one difference between them. INFj have a hard time seeing and reading themselves and need an extrovert to validate things about them and to tell them what they see. And, IEE don’t
Searching for outside validation sounds like me, sadly. I'm working on being more sustainable and only having to consult my inner self for expertise on myself but it's hard.