Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
I believe I am. I've had my friends tell me that I'm the kind of person everybody likes and I replied saying that I also like pretty much everyone. It's true, I just don't normally have reasons to not like someone. I also feel like I don't have to try to be kind and sympathetic, I just am and it comes from genuinely being interested in others and wanting to resonate with them on some level.

I like what you said about me exercising my ethics in my youth. It did feel like a phase I had to go through to understand and appreciate the things 'on the other side'.

Ok, so some say IEE for me and you say EII. I gotta do my research into EII now.
Okay do your research but you should know one difference between them. INFj have a hard time seeing and reading themselves and need an extrovert to validate things about them and to tell them what they see. And, IEE don’t

You can ask @Eliza Thomason about that. She’s one of my dear forum friends and an IEE