Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
You're a beta, dude. Accept it. You respond to beta quadra values like a beta, and specifically unlike a Delta, every time they're expressed.
No, I'm a renegade. You can stick to your retrievers and huskies, I'll go to my comfy, harmonious, dog-less Delta quadra.
Just messing with you-- Have you checked out my video though? shameless self-promotion

As for the analysis of the OP's paragraphs, well, some points have already been covered by Oppai so I will only get to the parts where I can contribute with some insights of my own.

"When I was younger, I used to be terribly judgmental. I would be very closed off to novel ideas, other points of view and treated them as attacks on myself. I would judge everyone and for just about anything: the way they looked, the clothes they wore, the way they spoke, what they liked... I would also be quite open about those judgments to the extent that some people closer to me started telling me I was nasty and they didn't feel good around me. That prompted me to finally check what I was doing and why I was doing it. I then proceeded to work my way to being able to drop these defense mechanisms and I became much more in harmony with myself and with others. I was always conflict-avoidant but where I used to be judgmental, I switched to being a total people pleaser. I was over-accomodating and matching myself to others without question, just to make sure they accept me. I went overboard with this as well. I'm currently working on balancing myself: having the room to have my own opinions and giving myself the right to voice them when I want to, while still remaining accepting of others and their views."

I don't think this holds much socionics value, I see it as belonging in the realm of Enneagram, type 4, more than anything. Switching from a pretentious elitist to a people pleaser is exactly what 4 > 2 disintegration looks like, mostly. In Socionics terms, this could signify aristocratic tendencies when it comes to how you approach inclusion (aristocratic quadras being Beta and Delta), so if you wanted another confirmation that you're an NF, you have it now. : P

"Over the course of my life (I'm currently 33), I have changed my occupation many times. I studied photography and cultural anthropology. I still take photo assignments from time to time but never worked as a photographer full time. I never tried pursuing a career in anthropology. I used to be a graphic designer for about a decade (I learned everything on my own + took a course or two). Then switched to bespoke sewing for a couple of years (again, learned everything on my own + took a course). These artistic pursuits actually drained me and made me feel like an impostor, and working with demanding clients made me emotionally unstable which led to me finally hating the thing I was doing. In between, I was teaching theory of photography in workshops and was tutoring English from time to time, both of which I enjoyed immensly. Then, about a year ago, I finally decided to drop the idea that I have to be creative/artistic for a living and am currently running an online vintage shop and I think this is finally something I can do to sustain myself. Working in retail without direct face-to-face contact with my customers feels liberating and safe, and I can even work with the routine I managed to devise for myself. I normally can never do anything routinely, I get bored very easily and can never see a point of doing the same thing over and over. I work in random bursts of energy. "

Enterprising and creative, you have initiative when it comes to starting career projects and were very optimistic about the prospects-- I would've just broken down crying if I were you. Fine-tuned your options as soon as you found a solution and went into the whole online retail deal. Ne + Te Hidden Agenda IMO. Random energy spikes, low boredom threshold are characteristic of irrationals (Ep in this case). When life gives you lemons, you squeeze it but not entirely.

"I'm a messy person because I'm not bothered by things being "out of place". I just somehow don't see them. I'm not detail oriented like that. I'm not great with money... was actually living with a long time boyfriend up until a couple months ago and he was earning enough that I didn't have to worry about money at all. I'm now on my own and I'm learning to manage it and am often surprised at how I can't estimate how much I need."

Low Si. Nothing more to say, and nothing less really. Maybeeee a low priority placed on sp when it comes to instinctual stacking.

"I often forget about my body needs, especially when I'm occupied with something that interests me: I forget to drink and eat and I don't notice that I'm sitting in an uncomfortable position until the pain is really loud. Never did any sports although I can ride a bike and enjoy it as it allows my mind to wander while there are landscapes changing before my eyes. For the same reason I enjoy hiking or just walking --I can do that for hours and never get tired. I like to experience nice things, though, I love good food (but can do without, I mostly just eat sandwiches when I'm alone because cooking is boring), I love seeing beautiful things and places, I like art, music etc. I usually attach personal meanings to things that I see, sort of like superimposing an idea over the real world, I definitely don't have my two feet firmly planted in the world."

You tend to forget about body needs when enticed by other pursuits but appreciate good food. It tastes so much better when you're not the one cooking it, doesn't it? Haha, this points to Si DS. Attaching personal meanings to things is characteristic of Fi ("This series means so much to me because...", "This pendant looks terrible and it's worn out but I'm still keeping it because it was a gift from a dearly departed") but what you say about "superimposing" sounds Ni, honestly.

Where I had doubts about typing you as a Ne-ego before, the following paragraph convinced me otherwise:
"When thinking about a problem or learning, I like to see as many points of view as possible at first, to recognize my options, and then to work my way to some synthesis that makes sense to me. I kind of make categories that have characteristic flavors or vibes and that's how I navigate around them. When new information comes, I check what 'flavor' it has and whether I can add it to some category I already have in my mind, or is it a new category altogether. If so, where does it fit? Which 'flavors' does it borrow from and between which 'vibes' can I place it? That mental map of feelings about things helps me easier access different things at once. I think quickly that way and can easily grasp concepts thanks to that intuitive way my mind works. It's sort of 'oh, this is similar to something I already know, so I can draw from this source to quicker grasp the new data'. It is hard for me to settle on one understanding though, and I like to add to the categories that I make in my head, expanding the whole theory."

Brainstorming approach to problem-solving, scouting the mindscape for solutions, solutions, solutions. You seem to work on a pattern-based system but not one that's reminiscent of Ti. I suck at explaining it, but are you familiar with the site "TV tropes"? You should check it out, as I feel it's the essence of Ne. And speaking of essence, that's what Ne is about. And that seems to be just the way you navigate the world; Through essences. "Oh this is something I already know, so I can draw from this source to quicker grasp the new data". Keep expanding those categories :love2:
How are you feeling about analogies and similes? What about metaphors?

Overall, while I stiiiill do have some doubts about where to place you, I think IEE-Ne is the best fit for you. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay, @ToTheMoon!