@Oppai Anschluss thanks for your dissection!

Sounds like behavior that Delta NFs would be aghast over. Is your change in behavior authentic for you or an imposition due to social expectations?
I'd say it's authentic. I didn't feel good about all those judgments. I mean, I was super insecure and knew that I was. I felt much better when I finally let myself have some new experiences that I'd judge as worthless before. Once I opened my mind to different views and possibilities of expression, it felt very liberating. So I'd call that authentic becasue it feels good to be where I am now and it didn't where I was back then. I did take it too far and made a doormat out of myself for a while and felt awful about it. Like I said, I'm working on balancing myself now.

Ne-ego often seem to explicitly want routine that doesn't require much mental presence, either for a sense of security in repetition or to enable them to daydream about things outside of the job that actually do interest them.
Hmm, I do like that kind of routine. Probably why I like my current job where most of what I do is mindlessly search the internet for new items for my shop, then I mindlessly photograph my items and mindlessly edit them. I can sort of daydream all throught that time. I actually dislike the part where I need to describe the items because I do have to be present .

Sounds like weak Si (potentially unvalued?) or you have self-preservation low in your Enneagram.
Don't know about Si (need to learn how it's defined in socionics vs mbti) but my Enneagram stack it likely so/sx.

Weak Te? Valued or unvalued?
Again, I need to improve my knowledge to answer that.

Sounds very Ni. Ego or Demonstrative?
How do I tell the difference? That's what I've been getting at with being unable to type myself as one type over the other.

Hmm. You say a lot of things in the video that sound antagonistic of Se (is this because super-ego Se or social expectation?). Some things which are stereotypically Fi (vocal concern for authenticity as a central value). Your space looks pretty minimalistic-yet-comfy (did you clean up for the video or are you only okay with "mess" compared to people that are really anal about that sort of thing?). You're cute but obviously anxious and I get the impression that a lot of Delta NFs give me--that if I were in the same room I'd have to be very careful not to break the Delta NF until that got too tiring and I'd want to start trolling the person.
Hahah, I knew someone would point out the minimalism and unmessiness in the vid. I pondered moving the camera to show you the mess I moved to the other corner of the room for the video . I always clean when I'm having guests. If I don't expect anyone, well, I'm just gonna let those dishes pile in the sink until they spill out and I run out of mugs for my coffee. As for minimalistic, I just don't mind not having stuff on my walls. I like aeclectic, cozy aesthetic with wood and natural fabrics and some useless trinkets that bring me some nostalgia, kinda like you'd imagine a cottage house maybe? Nothing modern or too clean and edgy. I've always been into old and used things. Old cameras, vintage and second-hand clothes, old furniture.
Interesting what you say about me appearing fragile and anxious. I wonder what vibe I give off in the real world, while talking to people. I've frequently been 'accused' of being self confident and decisive and conceited by people who don't know me well but had the possibility to observe me from a distance. Once they get to know me, they share their surprise with me at how nice I actually turn out to be.

Leaning Delta-NF from the video.
That would be ENFp and INFj, right?

Again, thanks for your comments. Food for thought. Gotta read more now.