Quote Originally Posted by Plumes View Post
You are my spirit animal. Er, human??
Whatever-- "It's so hard putting it into words" >> I felt that phrase in your video so hard. For every sequence of you shuffling, looking down, bouncing your eyes around the room rummaging for answers and words in your mind and trying to buy some time because "Oh God I'm being recorded and people will see this"-- I saw myself in every one of those things. Except you're prettier.

I am between ENFp and INFp myself at the moment but I'm fairly young (18) and although I've been told there's no rush, I don't seem to listen to advice. The section where you spoke about how judgemental you were as a youngling hits home as it resembles my somewhat purist-elitist attitude when it comes to certain topics. Yes, I'm working on that

On a first look, I'd say...EH EN EF PEE. But I haven't watched the WHOLE video just yet. I can offer a breakdown of the paragraphs above explaining myself, and that's exactly what I'll do in the evening when I get home. I'll also watch the rest of the video because it's too precious to miss.

Haha, thanks for your message! So sweet, the way you describe what you see in me. Thank you. Btw, you're so perceptive! I did rush myself in the video to find answers. I wanted to write about that before posting but forgot.
If you find the time to let me know more of your thoughts, I'd be very grateful.