Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
I don't quite understand what you're trying to describe the steps as achieving the goal, but I'll try to answer.

Sorry if I phrased it poorly. I was trying to get at whether you Ti reason your way to some sort of goal to accomplish and then apply Se force over time, or do you simply have some sort of Se goal that you then go about applying Ti reasoning and systematizing to move towards. Personally I can't remember a time that I have sat down and systematically reasoning through what any of my goals are, but rather a more impulsive "Oh, this is what I want. What do I need to learn and do to make that happen." I've also seen SLE's characterized more by trying to use intense initial drive and then "momentum" to reach their goals, as opposed to LSIs that are more paced, constant, and methodical in an application of Se force to reach a Ti goal.

The rest of what you write sounds pretty Ti creative but I can't see the inside of your head to know the process. As a personal example it was almost 6 years ago I was majoring in history when I learned that my current line of work even exists. My decision process to go after this work was more or less "That sounds fucking awesome. I'm going to do that. How do I do that? I have to do these other things first? Okay I guess I'm doing that for now."