Quote Originally Posted by Pano Lou View Post
Ime, SLEs are sweet, almost saccharine. They're like polar bears that give hugs or something. They have a sense of duty towards the people they love. I kind of tend to see them as providers, in the same vein as LSIs... A whole lot of bravado, you have to realize the whole of the beta quadra is somewhat theatrical and not just EIEs. They like dramatic displays of emotion and like being in an emotionally charged environment.

Betas in general tend to have a "fuck the system" mentality and you see this in SLEs most overtly. I don't necessarily mean rioting in the street or something, more like doing things in an unconventional way. Alphas are like that too, but Betas tend to be more "in your face" about it.

The ones I know are real gentlemen/ladies and they are surprisingly submissive as well. My brother is an SLE and he never says "no" to any of my whims. I've seen him accompany me and look bored to death, but he never says no.

Respect is also a big deal, give and take respect, but you also need to be able to command respect. This is more for LSIs, I think (not sure). They're aware of power dynamics and so can easily become a protector of the weak. Aristocratic? Yes. Snobbish? No. As for the whole `clan` thing... it's probably true? It's more like wanting to be in a place where I get to make all the rules, where everyone knows their place, where I'm respected and my worth is acknowledged, etc. Betas tend to like hierarchical systems. I think Deltas are also very clan-ish in that sense? (not sure)

What do you think @sbbds accurate or am I mistaken?
Very accurate. People have compared me to a (polar) bear many times in IRL, have called me soft, soft-hearted, etc. Thanks very much for this! Lol