Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
"Professionally" doesn't really mean anything in the context of socionics - I guess you mean you paid for it.

But yeah, this is going to derail the thread which is why I prefer not to bring this up in the first place. If you're interested I can comment in your typing thread, if I have time.
I suppose you're right that professionally might in general not have much meaning, but it was by Victor Gulenko directly, and I do personally find his material to be of particularly high quality. There has been no one as close to the heart of Socionics as him that is still operative. That doesn't mean he is automagically right of course, but in addition to his credentials as they stand, I have found his understanding to actually live up to those credentials, so to speak.

Certainly though, I am interested in what you think. I try to take any opportunity I can to learn more about myself. It will also help me understand your system better which is beneficial to my quest.