Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
Construction is generally ST land, but I always find alpha SFs there also. ESE, SEI, Normalizing, Dominant, sometimes Creative, only one Harmonizing so far. My last co-worker was C-ESE, very experienced, and totally random in his methods. Funny guy. He later got into some argument with the work supervisors and left. Apparently he just stopped working and just chatted with people during the day because he felt like it.

Almost no intuitives, although they can be spotted sometimes.
No intuitives? No kidding.

I went out for a walk this morning along a street that has been torn up all summer. The old road was cut out for about a mile, then a deep trench dug up and filled in, then asphalted over temporarily, and now the concrete is being replaced. I passed a construction worker who was just walking to work and I asked him, "What's going on here?"
"Putting in a curb."
"No, I mean, why did they dig up the road?"
"No idea. Have a nice day."