@Troll Nr 007, trolley with a chicken in it, lol! & Chuck E Cheese lol. I liked the shows at Major Magic's when I was a kid and went there with my family.

As perhaps an atypical SEI, I have rarely gone into bars. I find them boring but of course it can be the company one keeps which brings a place to life. I don't get buzzed from most alcohol so when around other drinkers, tend to come out of my shell more in hopes they will be more accepting and attribute my behavior to the alcohol. Limh.

My biggest personal hangouts over the years have been bookstores and coffee shops.

I am too much of a snob to go bowling. I have only done it a few times in high school for charity (lol that sounds funny but I meant fundraising competitions).

You can count me out of most athletics because Se is my 7th function. It would have to be a sport like badminton where you are extremely unlikely to get hurt. Even then I would need coaxing to play.

I rarely have gone to the beach even though there is ample opportunity where I live. I can't stand feet and I can't swim either, so there are two major aversions - especially seeing people's feet exposed.

Now everyone please don't go changing your avatars to naked feet.

I like bars that have jukeboxes because then I can play DJ. I love doing that. You can set up songs that set the whole mood for a group of people if you do it right. And I have done many kinds of moods. But the place has to be comfortable and let's face it - bars tend to have many uncomfy chairs. And if people get too loud like a non-Adam Strangish ENTJ female making a scene, I want to hide away from the unpleasant feelings. So even if a halfway cozy bar with an awesome mega jukebox exists, if I am feeling tired in any way or in discomfortable health in any way I might try not to go because loud obnoxious people might cause more physical pain for me to be around.

Dance clubs are a great prospect for the dancing but they are not as interesting now as say 20 years ago. Often the music sucks at any decade so I am fussy about how good the music is. But when it is good, it is really good. My financial astuteness generally makes me unwilling to pay much in a cover charge though nor much on alcohol because it seems too much of a luxury I can't regularly afford, even if it is $5. I would rather save for a home and cozy environmental investments I can own.

Hmm. I like going to parks. Walking a mile or two. I like visiting museums and galleries so I go at least once a year but would prefer more if I had money to blow.

I have never been invited to a nerdy gathering. That sounds fun.

I remember throwing 2 parties that went well. They were smaller guest lists since I am an introvert and don't know many people to invite for fun who would come. I think my old best friend who died in a car accident was ILE. She threw a party at her house once and we had a blast. If she were still around, I am sure we would've had many more. I met her in college at the learning Center. In fact, I do enjoy hanging out at colleges and learning centers when you can belong there a bit. But those days are behind me.

I've picked up a guy at the library before and run into friends there but obviously it is not an ideal place for a hangout.

I have visited with family a lot in the past especially seeing Grandma in the nursing home regularly. That was not exactly a hot spot for a smashing young social life but I don't regret her ESE companionship one bit.