Your vagueness and complexity of thought strikes me as the intuitive irrational brand of Dialectical Algorithmic cognition. It feels like you are clarifying a vague picture of something you are trying to understand (I do this a lot by the way, maybe you have a different way of seeing it so you need not interpret it this way). Ergo, you strike me as an ILI. This is only an impression; I don't know you and so couldn't defend this rigorously. There are a few things that further corroborate this though:

1- that you list your TIM as "Aporia", and seem to place a lot of emphasis on this concept in general. Aporia is more common in the writing and thought of an ILI than in any other type; it may be said to characterize their very mental process in some ways

2- your focus on clarifying the details of the process of the information elements, and your clarifying process in conversation with your interlocutors, strikes me as rather "process"/right-spinning/evolutionary as opposed to "result"/left-spinning/involutionary. You may not be familiar with these dichotomies.

3- the complex creative power that your imagination seems to have over your sensory experiences. I totally agree with you that these concepts (and really all Socionics concepts) are entangled with one another, which seems to be one of your points. They way I see it, the various states of the processes flow in and out of one another. While the relatively discrete functional state (Ni, Si, Fe, Ti, Te, etc.) is clear in many cases, the boundaries are blurrier and seem to relate to Yin-Yang principles as well as something called Enantiodromia. The details of this process are mysterious, but it can surely be discussed. The whole idea of boundaries is a mystery in its own right.

Some brief differences between Si and Ni; I don't think telling them apart in practice is so difficult, but their relationship is nonetheless fascinating:

Si-Tastes, colors, smells, touches
Conformism, adaptation
Enjoy the moment

Ni- Imagination, memories, predictions
Suggestion, hypnosis, visions, symbols
Reflection, premonitions, omens

Some comments on the transition from Si into Ni: physical relaxation, saturation of biological needs leads to philosophical reflections on fate and the meaning of life. So the animal life of primitive people was compensated by superstition. But even now people living for the sake of the stomach and the accumulation of things balance their one-sided sensory character with faith in omens, anxiety, primitive religiosity.

Some comments on the transition from Ni into Si: reflections on "high matters", spirituality and moral quest are compensated by carnal pleasures, earthly instincts, admiration with their bodies, etc. Religions that cultivate T states carry out this compensation as lifting the ban on fast food after the end of the fast . For one-sided adherence to T, a person pays with perverted tastes, unnatural diseases, sadomasochism.