Quote Originally Posted by Karatos View Post
Whatever I have to say on the issue isn't going to be listened to because your prerogative is to suit everything to your preconceptions, which are not based on observable fact.

I have no reason to waste my time convincing you otherwise - you'll even cite this disconnect as proof of "semi-dual ITR." Lol.

At a certain stage, I just have to stop giving a fuck what people on the internet who've never met I think. And I have no reason to consider myself "psychologically close" to people who fail to listen in the most basic ways. I'd find more resonance with a tree stump.
I don't care dude. It's not like I want you to be my semi dual, you are not so cool for that so don't waste your time. I'll keep joking about it anyway. However whatever type you think you are is not going to get you any chicks and that's not socionics fault