Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
...Isn't that how traumas and superstitions work? You can say that for example, you have a fear of a burglar attacking you and assaulting you if you enter a room, unless you carefully examine the room beforehand. And since you perform this ritual every time you enter a room, and every time you do it, you are not actually attacked by a burglar. And therefore, this "confirms" that checking every time you enter a room "works".
I can appreciate that You're persistent at keeping people on their toes, but You come off like an Ne valuer throwing out what-ifs so as to not inhabit any position at all. Look, I get You're trying to make me think, but You're wasting Your time. Chalk it up to arrogance or ignorance or whatever helps You, but I know who and where I've found growth and strength in, and I certainly know who's drained me the most bending over backwards to accommodate and adapt to. If Socionics IR theory has cemented my bias' or whatever then I suppose time will tell. You also strike me as someone who talks at people instead of to them, which is likely part of my reaction.