Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
When I discovered Socionics, I began to realize that people do fall into definable categories, and this made the people around me a LOT more predictable, which made me feel more "in control" of the situation. I no longer felt as if I would find gravity reversed in the next room I entered.
I’ve always been fairly sociable and charming due to Fe HA, but Socionics has enhanced it and has helped me out a LOT here in terms of confidence. I’ve basically been able to enter and survive in high society in a completely different cultural context because of it.

I gradually came to see that the inter-type relationships predicted by Socionics were, by and large, true, but conflict was not inevitable if space was given to the other person. I also discovered that, while I get along very well with all the duals that I have met IRL, all duals are not all sweetness and light.
Agreed on this, and the all types being valuable stuff.