You might find this interesting, it's an answer to a question I asked Victor Gulenko:

Victor Gulenko

A person’s worldview and beliefs mainly reflect his individual functional profile, especially the subtype and accentuated function. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the type of the author himself and the theories created by him, which, as a rule, line up around his accentuated function. It is accentuation that excites a person and is realized by him as the leading principle, which he is inclined to transfer to any other psyche.
The two types that are most to the philosophical understanding of life are EIE and OR. I think so, because it is they who possess intuitive dialectic thinking and, better than others, see contradictions in theories and reasoning as operating with abstract categories. In addition, they reach out to each other psychologically (hysteroids often agree with schizoids), they are interested together because they quickly perceive information from each other, and both are lovers of the argument. No one in socion is so focused on the process of thinking as these two types.
In the future, many philosophical problems will be posed and even solved through the cooperation of various forms of thinking, including artificial intelligence. The latter so far reflects only deductive cause-and-effect thinking. However, the next step should be the re-creation of the most complex of thinking styles - the dialectical one, aimed at identifying and synthesizing opposites.
I actually disagree with him about advanced AI at its current stage. I think that modern Deep Learning architectures reflect mainly Vortical-Synergetic/Stochastic thinking, but he might not be aware of those innovations. But besides that, this may give you an idea of how he views philosophers. I do think there are some LII philosophers too, tbh, but I can see why EIE and ILI would be the most common by his way of thinking. One of the key differences I see with Gulenko as compared to others is multi-level thinking, as in, incorporating multiple levels to the psyche. Some people don't like this, but I'm one of those that do.