I don't know why people think IEIs actually enjoy somebody being a genuine asshole. I think the SLEs I knew- they always seemed really nice to me. They were just shitty to other people. Probably because the other people deserved it some way cuz they were being too arrogant about something. Or they were unfortunately in the way of a SLE goals. I never seem to have been in the way of their goals so they never seem that asshole-ish to me usually. ((the ones I know personally, not public figures...))

Why the fuck would anybody enjoy being mistreated? I had this horrible LSE social worker tell me that before that didn't like me, before I banished her to Hell. "bandd likes being mistreated." What the hell? The cunt was projecting (or trying to twist things around so she could get away with being an abuser) - because I sure as hell don't. what fucking masochistic fuck actually likes abuse? So fucking weird. Just because I'm shy and sweet and can be submissive doesn't mean I like real abuse. What the fucking fuck creepos. This is why I wrote that 16types Adventurs chapter 'Social Workers have no Soul.'