I tend to perform well in environments that give me the impression that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. For example, a couple years ago, I studied for an information security certificate, a cert necessary to gain employment in specific infosec positions, and the curriculum served as excellent motivation because it was so intensive and risk-oriented by nature. The happiest relationship I had was with someone who held my feet to the fire by stripping me of egoic attachments and challenging me to reach criteria necessary to sustain the relationship long term. Furthermore, most of my hobbies have a competitive ring to them, and I become most competitive and successful when I have little to work with.

Tough love motivation, like that of the video, tends to give the impression you have little to lose and a lot to gain, and I'd much rather endure it than deal with management from someone who passive-aggressively shits on my successes and reflexively undermines even the most logical, feasible, solutions and plans.