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Thread: Type me please

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    Total sweetheart PussyInASarcophagus's Avatar
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    Default Type me please

    Okaaayyy... I may do a video later but I'm done with the questionnaire. Or at least the one I've found lmao. Yeah, I've thought of including pictures as well for V.I but I've posted my pics everywhere so I'm starting to be a bit more tactful nowadays. Here's the q though:

    Tell me about yourself
    I am currently studying, business major with emphasis on finance and I'm interested in a variety of things. One of them being research, research involving psychology and psychology involving typology more specifically socionics.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    Business. Well, I initially enrolled in the arts school since my goal was to become a filmmaker but the entry for that was quite narrow and I really did not mellow with artists or even teachers there. I had conflicts with the study methodology since you'd expect it to be more ad hoc to what the principles of art are instead of following the bureaucratic uni methodology. So, I had two choices. To study abroad with the risk of being unemployed and carrying an useless degree or to move onto a different career. And I chose the latter.

    What are your values, and why?
    I don't have many values but I deem essential being honest, successful and understanding. I highly dislike malice even if I'm perfectly capable of performing such. It comes off as insincere when others do it. I highly dislike insecurities on people. Mainly because there are ways those may affect you as a person if you have strength over those areas moreso than others.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I usually lift, play some sports in my leisure time and do lots of research about everything I'm interested in. My interests mainly consist of that and indulging in the arts in general. I'm a cineaste but recently I haven't gotten the time or even interest to continue to pursue that. I love tennis, football and boxing.

    Why do I do them? Because I just happen to like them. It's not really difficult.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I look and appreciate loyalty, honesty, concern and mutual respect as well as confidence. Confidence in that we can have playful banter together without having to worry about offending each other since people are so prone to be offended nowadays. If a friend is like that, I cannot simply be myself because it feels like I am restraining myself. This is why I don't have many Christian friends or do well with Christians. It doesn't help that I'm highly judgemental so anything you do, I will analyze and harshly judge it. Morally and personally.

    As for romantic relationships, someone who is nurturing and supportive. I am a bit twisted here though, since my ideal partner would be something close to a Lady Macbeth type. I have always loved a challenge and love when a partner challenges me. She has to be homely though, kinda girl next door type since I don't really like flashiness or maximalism in women. I find it a bit tacky, you can show much more with less. Let me be the maximalist lmao.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    My conflicts with others usually arise when they do not follow my orders or words or even challenge me to correct me. I dislike when someone tries to impose their perceived ideas of character since it rings false and it'd mean that I have to betray my character in order to be someone I'm not. And I'm not like that. Restrain me and you will get your hands biten off.

    Another would be that people who prefer subdued attitudes to forceful ones. Something that is a huge concern in my city is how little outspoken and pussyfied people are. It's so annoying because you listen to them whine and complain yet someone does something and they wrong them for not assessing the problem lime the way they expected to.

    Another problem I have is how people's attitudes have grown more ironic and sarcastic for the sake of such. This is an area of problems since a snarky attitude to something I'm trying to help you will make me snap and it will give you a reason to not mess with me again.

    I'm usually pretty mellow though and chill. It takes a lot to make me angry but I'm usually resentful to failures and passive people.

    How would your friends describe you?
    They all have said something in common. That I have balls. And it's not just that, sometimes people are too concerned about themselves due to an alarming increase in self awareness. Especially when they are around this age, they look for mating partners and try to control their every words and actions to be proper. This may seem like hypocrisy since I do it as well, not to impress however but to restrain myself since I swear a lot. A lot.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I have problems with time and its management. I don't know how to perfectly assess how much time something needs to have a proper preparation or even trivial stuff like answering emails. I tend to obsess over when it is the right time to do stuff so it ends up biting me in the ass afterwards. I haven't find many criticisms recently. Most people tell me how I pretty much don't give two shits and it's true. I find my laziness and lack of motivation after attaining something as weakness. I would also say the way I self express is a weakness since it makes you vulnerable in the face of adversity. What works however is selling an image that may be what others expect from you yet becoming something else entirely when they get to know you. Something I've gotten a lot is how I look so girly like, vulnerable and sensitive yet everyone is surprised when they see my true self. And mate, I can be a complete sleazy douche

    I dislike that I am not completely focused sometimes. You know typical ADHD stuff.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Most stuff really. I just need to have the proper care and attention for me to actually do it and to do it right. I wish I could be better academically wise for example, I was an excellent student when younger but that rapidly changed. And maybe how to develop my ideas better since even if they work on my mind, they may not for others. Nothing I come up with that can be considered original and inventive ideas are concrete yet everything I say or do is concrete.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Usually house chores, honoring the namesake. Usually the processes that are involved when filling out anything or getting something done that involves administrative work. My country is filled with useless bureaucrats so that doesn't particularly help.

    Probably watching the news and reading about the sociopolitical climate. Or how psychological and economic factors may affect the human condition. This is one of the reasons Socionics got my attention since it beautifully explained how society evolves through Quadra progressions. I always look for the missing link so to speak to phenomenons like that.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I want a cushy job, comfy life and to attain the sufficient wealth enough for me to do whatever I like. Having a decent life so to speak. That's not my dream though, my dream is to become the catalyst of a new society in my country.

    Not sure as to how. I guess more rage and experiences than anything else. It's too complex to just narrow down as 'what are your life goals'

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Research, cooking, read, watch films, make a fitness plan that I am very strictly attuned to and probably run a fitness blog.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I find it hilarious when people are blunt yet always with having in mind that they're that way because they simply don't know how to be tactful instead of them being inconsiderate and assholish for the sake of being. I also find coldness alluring. Most people say like oh she's a dead fish man. But I love that. I like clinginess since it makes you powerful and have power over that person who you can pretty much use as a pet.

    I find quirkiness, fake fuzzy flowery characters annoying. I've never liked anyone who was like that and usually voice my dislike for people like that. This is one of the reasons why I never did well in art school or with the 'art guys' in school since they always rang as false and cringe inducing to me. Drama queens are vomit. Sorry sweetie, you're not kidding anyone. We can all see through the act better drop it. I loathe apathy and blandness in most people. This is common in nerds and geeks, that's another group I usually tend to avoid. They're complete assholes but what could you expect from the bottom of the barrel.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I tend to make my room (when I do) as aptly comfortable I'd like to. I like playing with colors. Before painting my room, I envisioned what colors would fit better considering the size, lighting and the furniture I already had as well as my preferred style. And it worked, my room stands out quite separate from the rest of the house. You can tell when you enter that you're about to go into a different place. I don't mind hoarding usually. But I tend to be as neat as neat can be.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Usually blunt or aggressive. If they chit chat, I may be involved but only to a certain extent. I like to remind them that they're still strangers. When in group environments however, I can act as if they were familiar or an old buddy.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    Usually very confrontational. If snappy, I can make a huge scene that will get me what I want. I dislike conflict when it's concerned with people who have my respect or admiration which is rare to obtain. I rarely have ever had conflict with friends.

    If somebody insults or attacks me, I find it funny first since they were flustered in the first place and try to mock them by taunting their moods or attitudes. If I'm in a bad emotional state however, I'd react quite negatively and counter attack with a stronger force than theirs.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Most people think that rules are essential for life. They're not, that's just what they teach you to stop you from rising up to their levels. When you cheat and play by your own rules and make it on your own, you just make those NPCs look idiotic.

    What did you do last Friday?
    None of your concern.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I'd say transforming my body type. Went from 80 kgs to 55 in a year and a half and built my muscle mass quite decently. Also, being in honors, winning diplomas and some competitions. I tend to overlook that though.

    What is something you regret?
    Probably not getting swole before high school and not hanging out more with the Chads. Not reviewing my career prospects before college either.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Usually strong willed, sincere and cool people,who are no-nonsense and immune to pain. Kinda like Navy SEALs and cutthroat businessmen. If type related, I believe LSIs are the ubermensch. Why? Because strength is the society gold standard. Strong men built this world.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Yeah. I've been lacking in motivation for my daily activities and that sucks.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I'm Orthodox but I don't take religion seriously. My spiritual beliefs mainly consist of attaining a state in where you fulfill the Christian ideal of life, with that said I do drink and do lotw of degenerate shit altogether. So it's kinda tweaked. I do have disdain for Christians who are hypocritical and dishonest yet are firm believers of their salvation. As to why? I don't really see a healthy lifestyle and outlook in lack of faith and atheism.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I'm Libertarian by nature but have been leaning towards authoritarian right as of recently. I care to the extent of debating and ideological extremism. One of my few rules is to never become a leftist again and I will probably keep it until my last breath.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Sure. If something I have projects involving that. Because it's of greater interest to generate wealth and aiding the economy. Founder and possibly board member once established. Restructured finance/hedge fund

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    One where people are doing their job instead of wasting their and everyone's time. I usually look for concise explanations thorough the given time to work and a setting that isn't boring or dreadful somehow.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Economics. Because economics are amazing.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I am not quite responsible LOL. I usually am when I really care about someone or something though and expect others to be so.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    Very quiet, lovely and diligent. Everyone loved me. There would be times where I wouldn't say a single word and people would fawn over that. I have always been a bit reserved. This changed however when I moved to another state where people thought I was asocial. But I wasn't. I just didn't fit there. People treated me as some kind of quiet Caesar regardless. I've changed drastically though since now I'm more outspoken and may not shut my mouth if I have sufficient energy.

    What was your high school experience like?
    Good. Fantastic probably at the time. Just not how cringy-whimsy coming of age tales tell it.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    God knows that I dislike kids. They're so chaotic and annoying. They rarely behave well. I always get the antsy feeling to slap a few of them.
    Last edited by PussyInASarcophagus; 12-18-2018 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    Questionnaire is better to do as a text. On video is better to tell about something you are interested and like in your life - is you should be natural, alike you'd talk in friends company.

    Quote Originally Posted by Viktor View Post
    there's some creeps on this forum so only if you're fine with that
    So the reason why you reject to give normal typing material in your theme was the fear of "creeps" which may do "bad things" to you after geting a typing videointerview. As you mention the "creeps", so you should to have the fantasies or seen about concrete "bad things" happened with someones with the usage of their videos. Though due to unreasonable nature of your fears it's not obligate. After the time seeing your behavior on the forum I doubt in your T type more. At least, paranoid traits better fit to S, as you asume your type.

    In social networks millions of people place photos with real names(!) - what is the similar situation, as a typing does not need any secrets. They have no issues after.

    While the only real danger is to use the typology with wrong types. Without video the chance of mistyping is significantly higher.
    The main "bad thing" which the uncouscious may manifest as paranoid suspicions against giving of videointerviews is the higher possibility to get the correct type, what some people may do not wish as prefer to have a type they like instead of the correct one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Viktor View Post
    And there's the creep!
    So the "problems" you are affraid and others should, which may follow from me and alike comptetent in the subject after placing a typing video - is the opinion about the type. As there was nothing else from "creep" by which you've named me.
    Though, the mentioned "bad event" happened with you and may with others without a video.

    More correctly, in your perception the "bad" and "creepy" is when the type in my opinion is other than you assign to yourself. Like I suppose your type is doubtful to be SLE based on your higher emotionality, the lack of reason in the behavior on this forum and some other factors. You shaw not a single time inadequate and/or psychopathic reactions on disagreements with your opinions, where the situation with your type is just one of the cases. Sometimes you reacted inadequately even when you just got the info about which you've asked like was there. In your behavior you are more ruled by the emotions, than by logical reason about which you do not care much.

    If your fantasies about "bad" from placing typing videos are wider than the said - tell us. It mb interesting from psychiatric point, at least.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Viktor View Post
    Sol I haven't said anything about any "bad event" or "problem"
    You've warned against placing a video and hence about problems which may follow after doing this. Now you reject this evidence.
    Logics and to be honest are doubtful to be your strong parts.

    Before I saw here a fantasy from Cosmic Pot about stalkers which will flood you after placing a typing videointerview.
    In your case seems as the problem was assumed to get "bad" opinions about the type. Your fears are funnier, taking into account the context. Yeah, this forum is "dangerous" - opinions which will not match with your or mb disliked by other reasons mb here everywhere and said after anything. Especially dangerous are when with logical argumentation and from the ones having some knowledge and competence - as those opinions may influence on you stronger and hence are more "creepy" to runaway immediately.
    You remind EIE the most. If you are not under substances during writing on the forum to behave so strangely for T types.

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    the only way to avoid "bad" opinions would be just to don't use this forum

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    I've updated with the questionnaire and here are some pics



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    for typing are useful casual photos only, better many of them in different life situations. not the art ones, made for documents, etc where people are no in their common states

    anyway, after stalkers and creeps from Viktor's wet fantasies have seen your face and started to pack things for a trip or to prepeare other bad things (I hope Viktor with Cosmic Pot will describe sometimes their dreams in details) - there stayed nothing against making a clip. for the ones who identify types a video would be much better

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    ESI-Fi (Gulenko's ESFJ)
    Last edited by vesstheastralsilky; 12-19-2018 at 10:54 PM.
    ~* astralsilky

    Each essence is a separate glass,
    Through which Sun of Being’s Light is passed,
    Each tinted fragment sparkles with the Sun,
    A thousand colors, but the Light is One.

    Jami, 15th c. Persian Poet

    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    Beta extrovert. Obvious focus on Se but also (somewhat less obvious) on free self-expression.

    "My conflicts with others usually arise when they do not follow my orders or words or even challenge me to correct me."

    That's a lot more like SeTi than SeFi. SLE works.

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    Total sweetheart PussyInASarcophagus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vesstheastralsilky View Post
    ESI-Fi (Gulenko's ESFJ)
    Alrighty. Could you please elaborate on how you came to that conclusion.

    Beta extrovert. Obvious focus on Se but also (somewhat less obvious) on free self-expression.

    "My conflicts with others usually arise when they do not follow my orders or words or even challenge me to correct me."

    That's a lot more like SeTi than SeFi. SLE works.
    @thehotelambush thank you and very interesting. I had thought of EIE in the past and I've dismissed it outright of that alternative.

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    EIE its a good possibility imo, besides SLE.

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    "TIM ESI or SEE Se 8w9"
    SEE by photos is closer

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    This reads like business gamma with sensing side of things things. That being said it sounds like I can not be sure how sincere all of this is and how much have you just inhaled gamma particles due to your social circles.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by PussyInASarcophagus View Post
    Alrighty. Could you please elaborate ...
    I can't summarize almost 20 years of typing experience on this one in a weebly post apart from giving you the correct type advice accurate & for free. Too much data and I'm not up to explaining everything only to have it likely shot down anyway if you should happen to favor the inaccurate reasoning of someone you happen to be more naturally compatible with instead. Lol
    ~* astralsilky

    Each essence is a separate glass,
    Through which Sun of Being’s Light is passed,
    Each tinted fragment sparkles with the Sun,
    A thousand colors, but the Light is One.

    Jami, 15th c. Persian Poet

    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    This reads like business gamma with sensing side of things things. That being said it sounds like I can not be sure how sincere all of this is and how much have you just inhaled gamma particles due to your social circles.
    Well, most people from my social circles have been more Alpha /Beta than Gamma. With that said, I type my best friend as ILI and have grown up in a Beta environment with a Beta family.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vesstheastralsilky View Post
    I can't summarize almost 20 years of typing experience on this one in a weebly post apart from giving you the correct type advice accurate & for free. Too much data and I'm not up to explaining everything only to have it likely shot down anyway if you should happen to favor the inaccurate reasoning of someone you happen to be more naturally compatible with instead. Lol
    Why should I do that though? Seems like you are overthinking this one but I trust your typing given how direct you were, which speaks to me as confidence.

  19. #19
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    ESI-Se. I generally don't type people solely based on their writings, but your post has lots of Fi-Se, I am able be sure. Creative types have weaker HA than inert subtypes, you think your weakness is time management (Ni) while it is really Ne, you haven't directly mentioned it, since you don't value it or maybe not see it (polr). Se-bases generally don't verbalize that they are confident, powerful (Se like) or whether they value confidence lots of times, they just be Se (confident, powerful). Besides that you seem more disciplined, you are neat, you have your routines (Si demonstrative). You prefer active, efficient, goal oriented hobbies (Te valuing). You are morally convicted and firm (Fi).

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