Quote Originally Posted by VenusRose View Post
They do have a different focus, that's true. Despite having both those elements strong.
My mother may be SEI, and she clearly values but her Fi is strong also, it's just more indirect, implied, in the background.
Some SFs I have observed may have the 'naivete' stereotypically associated with Delta NFs.
But maybe that's not type related...im not sure.

At some point, all NFs look similar. They have the NF temperament, if that makes sense. Same goes for SFs. So superficial analysis of types isn't good. Moreover, irrational types have the ability to transmute Fe to Fi (for IxEs) and Fi to Fe (for xEIs) I think this is for the benefit of their duals. I actually think that's the main function of the demonstrative... Because it's your duals PoLR, you learn to transmute it, and feed it to your duals HA. Demonstrative Ni, for you would mean, if I'm right, you have the ability to transmute Ni information to Ne and feed it to the LSE... Do you think that is true?

I hate one sentence typings and intuitive analysis. It's garbage. Like Sol saying that violence and dark themes are not Si... But I hate those kinds of themes. I only ever use violence in my writing for catharsis, I can't stand gore or gross out. A lot of my collages too, people look at them and say "that's good Si." It took me a long time to remove a lot of misinformation from my mind.

For example, look at my aesthetic:

Yes, Si is comfort seeking, but it doesn't mean it's not capable of destroying comfort. Neither does it imply that Se hates comfort and are all thrill seekers. That's an extremely shallow way to type, I believe. A lot of things are misconstrued... xIE can't relax ≠ they're always running around like headless chickens. If someone wants to wrap me up in a blanket on a cold night and feed me hot cocoa, I'm glad to receive. Then terms like victim/agressor and childlike/caregiver are also misunderstood... And, people are perfectly capable of transmuting aesthetics, from Se to Si and vice versa.

TL; DR one sentence typings are bad and I like to rant lol