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Thread: INFj subtypes: EII-Fi vs. EII-Ne

  1. #41
    Karbonkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    Um I think it’s saying that both sub approach Ni differently, not necessarily that one understands it better? It does say that Fi sub understands the moment better and is less likely to do the procrastinate and then try to do everything at the last minute (too accurate lol) as the Ne sub, but at the same time defers to their dual of Te sub “who dictates its own (regarding timeliness?)”
    so Ni can become a bit more “active” in Ne sub only because they push away the aspect of it that helps you time things correctly (because it’s uninteresting/boring - not stimulating enough for Ne; you “just don’t feel like it”) so it comes back later
    Yeah for real, like I can say to myself things like: "Hey do this boring annoying task that takes a while to do in tiny bits, so you don have to everything at the last second. This way you dont have to stress about it ya nugget! ". But the shitty Se combined with Fi and explorative Ne makes it such that it is impossible for me to do so, unless if im forced to do so. I also feel much more concentrated when working in long bursts under deadline-stress. I also constantly set deadlines for myself and then procrastinate beyond them. Right now I've simply come to terms with this fact, I just start thinking about things I consider irrelevant when the deadline approaches (the deadline is always at the back of my mind though).

    Is the article from a Russian website or something? I want to see if the google translation to my own language makes a bit more sense then this one.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karbonkel View Post
    Yeah for real, like I can say to myself things like: "Hey do this boring annoying task that takes a while to do in tiny bits, so you don have to everything at the last second. This way you dont have to stress about it ya nugget! ". But the shitty Se combined with Fi and explorative Ne makes it such that it is impossible for me to do so, unless if im forced to do so. I also feel much more concentrated when working in long bursts under deadline-stress. I also constantly set deadlines for myself and then procrastinate beyond them. Right now I've simply come to terms with this fact, I just start thinking about things I consider irrelevant when the deadline approaches (the deadline is always at the back of my mind though).

    Is the article from a Russian website or something? I want to see if the google translation to my own language makes a bit more sense then this one.

  3. #43
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    She’s EII
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akira View Post
    I think those are 2 different subtype systems created by different socionists. I haven't seen any correlation in my experience, but I think Gulenko did some kind of correlation of DCNH with IEs. I choose subtypes in DCNH because of the descriptions basically, not because of the IEs.
    As for EII and IEE, I was reading Strat who talk about the case of an SLI/EII couple who over the years, changed subtypes turning their relation more like a pseudo duality, she was apparently EII-Ne and he SLI-Te, though, relationship didn't improved. So my guess is, subtype change over the years as natural way to adapt to environment needs, to fit superficially or cover up certain roles but without changing the base program. It's logical, since, if you have Fi Ne but you interact with someone who requires more Ne than Fi, you are going to start using more Ne to try to compensate partners needs. Same for any other type. Also from reading other type descriptions, supposedly duals have a time for adaptation when they move over their base (in case they have moved to creative), which is, for example EII becoming more into Fi and LSE more Te. That's real ime.

    I think my EII friend from childhood is an EII-Ne probably due her interaction with his father who's SLI and myself. What differences I can grasp from she and EII-Fi? Well, EII-Fi can look more serious and act more introverted and be depressed ime. This friend is not an IEE. She's an EII-Ne who seems more unaffected due sadness or deep feelings than regular Fi, is more cheeky, hussy and sassy, more spontaneous, have more friends, so externally she's more Ne, though, she doesnt use Ne as an IEE, her base program stills totally Fi Ne (that's a source of frustration and lack of interest for my side over the years).
    I was in a previous relationship with an SLI who was more Te and I have to say it was a very good relationship but all the common stuff about activities was there the one main point of him escaping to go places and not keeping me in the loop about when he would be back and ruining plans. I hate that so much. I love Estj every time I think about that. No Estj has ever made plans with me and broke it unless it was an emergency and even then called me to say they didn’t feel like going out.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  5. #45
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    I like people who are generally consistent and reliable and don’t try to escape my Fi lol. But some flexibility or leeway is okay as long as I feel stably connected to them at the core of the relationship. So they need not need an emergency to reschedule, but they better have a very good reason if it’s something that’s important to me lol.
    I can buy Rooney Mara as EII-Ne. Comparing myself to her (bc it’s interesting to observe VI differences) speech pattern matches well - that broken tangential Ne speech I am very familiar with lol, with the same eye movements and hand gestures pretty common to me as it seems to be to her. But I think there might be a bit more Fi in how I VI. That I reference the self or what I feel a lot. I’m also not as facially expressive as she is. And finally some ethereal essence in my speech I guess because I’m Harmonizing secondary - so I’ve a heavier dose of both Ne and Ni in my speech, which can make it more abstract than what I’m seeing from her at least (watched a couple of clips). Same shyness and a little awkwardness as her though - seems common enough to EIIs lol
    Last edited by necrosebud; 05-21-2021 at 11:14 PM.

  6. #46
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    Also she seems sxso or sosx

    prob sx first, for some reason evokes immediate jealousy/competition of sx (...we are after all, unconsciously both trying to attract an LSE more likely than not)


    ...yeah I might not be able to be friends with her (hypothetically). It feels a little too painful. I know jealousy is not uncommon in identicals necessarily but this is the first time I’m feeling it.
    Last edited by necrosebud; 05-22-2021 at 12:23 AM.

  7. #47
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    Unlike many, I believe the EII-FI is more outgoing than its Ne counterpart. The latter will in fact tend to express itself much more through ideas (in a certainly more vigorous way), but it presents many more social barriers.

    Also, about personal identification:
    - I have noticed that my EII-FI friends tend to be more rebellious, but often only in "words" . They maximize the safety of friends and loved ones by trying not to provoke anyone. But there is a desire for rebellion dampened by themselves. Every EII-FI I've met loves ESI characters, precisely because they are more "active" versions of themselves: same dominant but different auxiliar function. It's a sort of ideal self.

    - EII-Ne, on the other hand, prefer IEE (IEE-Fi more) characters (their mirror), because they tend more to the idealization of their auxiliar function rather than dominant, without never reaching a true confidence in it. Ironic, but they all love spiderman (precisely the ENFp versions) and they identify a lot with them, while remaining very different in the everyday life. It's like "I feel to be like them" but they aren't actually chiller. Too many personal barriers to do it imo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lesri View Post
    Unlike many, I believe the EII-FI is more outgoing than its Ne counterpart. The latter will in fact tend to express itself much more through ideas (in a certainly more vigorous way), but it presents many more social barriers.

    Also, about personal identification:
    - I have noticed that my EII-FI friends tend to be more rebellious, but often only in "words" . They maximize the safety of friends and loved ones by trying not to provoke anyone. But there is a desire for rebellion dampened by themselves. Every EII-FI I've met loves ESI characters, precisely because they are more "active" versions of themselves: same dominant but different auxiliar function. It's a sort of ideal self.

    - EII-Ne, on the other hand, prefer IEE (IEE-Fi more) characters (their mirror), because they tend more to the idealization of their auxiliar function rather than dominant, without never reaching a true confidence in it. Ironic, but they all love spiderman (precisely the ENFp versions) and they identify a lot with them, while remaining very different in the everyday life. It's like "I feel to be like them" but they aren't actually chiller. Too many personal barriers to do it imo
    I definitely relate to the first more. I hate the thought of anything happening to my loved ones and I often envision potentially dangerous situations months ahead of time. However, the few times I've been in them, I just froze. Se-PoLR can be a real killer. On the other hand, my high school best friend was probably EII-Ne and she definitely gave off a more quirky Ne vibe whereas I have that as well, but it's hidden under more layers. She was also a bit less organised than me and had a harder time articulating her thoughts properly. However, she was more artsy and whatnot.

  9. #49
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    I think that theoretically, the IEE would have trouble with understanding logical systems and classifications due to Ti's position in their set of cognitive functions (Ti vulnerable). The Ne-EII should be okay at understanding logical systems and classifications, but have problems trusting their logical conclusions.

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