Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
This seems to be caused by the lack of "good" microbes in the intestines having any fiber to feed on (insoluble fiber don't get digested, so the microbes feed on them). So without fiber, the microbes start to eat and tear the walls of the intestines, which causes intestinal bleeding.

The lack of fiber seems to be one of the reasons why the all-meat diet is not a good idea in the long term.
Good mircrobes and the Probiotic craze is a fad that will eventually burn out. Its being driven by the Dairy industry that found a new sciency way to push their Dairy products, ie: yogurts, cheeses. In the last 7-10 years the newest most important thing for our health is good gut bacteria. In the early 2000s it was all about Omega acids. In the 1990s it was the multi-vitamin.

Suddenly the best thing for us is amazing gut flora. Are you taking a Pro-biotic, well you should be, because leaky cut, don't use anti-bacterial soap because its killing the good bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria on the rise....... its all the new scare crazzzzzzze.

That's the bacteria taking. Don't fucking worry about the microbes, this is your body, not some nebulous microbe inside you.

Why is society so obsessed with what other human beings are eating? Don't succumb to the collective forces telling you what to think and feel and pay attention too. Somebody wants to eat all meat than let them eat all meat for fucks sakes and let them figure it out on their own. Same goes for if someone wants to be a vegan and let them handle their own energy economy. As long as their imminent safety is not at risk, let them figure out their own bodies.

Right because its not about what people are eating as a health issue, its all about ethics. Meat factory farming BAD. Plants from the earth GOOD. 'Save the bees. Pesticides BAD. Obesity on the rise. FAT people are glogging arteries. Fat people cost more for health care. Costs are bad for ME. Public Health. Money making. Energy extraction. Exchanging energy. Hallow modern lives. Body as temple. My way is the way. US vs them. They eat what I don;t agree with. That is bad. My way is good. Natural. Man-made. One path only. One version of God. One perfect society. No smoking. No meat. No....