Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I was on the Atkins diet for many years. Zero carbs, I was in ketosis all the time. I felt better, had more energy, and during all that time, I never got hungry. I'd get tired and then I'd know that I needed to eat something, but I never got hungry. Apparently, hunger is a product of consuming carbs.

After a few years of this, my teeth were plaquing up really fast, and then I started experiencing intestinal bleeding. For weeks. Nothing I did changed that, until I switched to a 100% vegan diet with lots of fiber, and the intestinal bleeding stopped overnight. And my dentist commented on the fact that my teeth looked like I flossed daily, when I didn't at all. Almost no plaque at all.

I, personally, now think that eating animal products tears us up inside and induces a histamine reaction that slowly but surely damages the tubes. All the tubes. So, after reading about the results of The China Study, I became a non-proselytizing vegan. I do it for my benefit, not for the animals or the planet.
This seems to be caused by the lack of "good" microbes in the intestines having any fiber to feed on (insoluble fiber don't get digested, so the microbes feed on them). So without fiber, the microbes start to eat and tear the walls of the intestines, which causes intestinal bleeding.

The lack of fiber seems to be one of the reasons why the all-meat diet is not a good idea in the long term.