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Thread: Thoughts on Jordan Peterson

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Eating only meat is stupid. I bet he did it for a couple months then ate other things. Clearly he is a Ne type and I'm more inclined to say LII than IEE even though he is a psychologist.
    I'd suppose you tried the all-meat diet yourself, or did you consult your evil scientist overlords to tell you that eating only meat is stupid?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    I'd suppose you tried the all-meat diet yourself, or did you consult your evil scientist overlords to tell you that eating only meat is stupid?
    I never tried the all meat diet myself, I don't need to. I can eat meat and other food and tell what is good, works, and what I need and want without any recommendations from outside sources. I'll still regard outside sources, because I'm not a imbecile, still I don't need to refer to the outside world for food health. I can lower my heart rate over a number of days by cutting back on certain foods, or increasing. I've paying attention to reality since I was a tiny lil kid.

    When I'm working in the Bush in the winter I crave meat and fat heavily. Which is why I cook bacon into pretty much every dinner I make. There is an internal furnace inside me and it works by loading it up with burnable calories that keep my core temperature at a steady rate when the outside air freezes to minus 40 degrees centigrade. I have learned this through trial and error in my 30+ years. Only people who live in tropical/ temperate climates with access to modern globalized food products can have the luxury of being vegan.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I never tried the all meat diet myself, I don't need to. I can eat meat and other food and tell what is good, works, and what I need and want without any recommendations from outside sources. I'll still regard outside sources, because I'm not a imbecile, still I don't need to refer to the outside world for food health.
    So you can't tell other people like Jordan Peterson why eating only meat is stupid, because it works for him. He doesn't need outside sources like yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Good mircrobes and the Probiotic craze is a fad that will eventually burn out. Its being driven by the Dairy industry that found a new sciency way to push their Dairy products, ie: yogurts, cheeses. In the last 7-10 years the newest most important thing for our health is good gut bacteria. In the early 2000s it was all about Omega acids. In the 1990s it was the multi-vitamin.
    Ok conspiracy theorist. Probiotic food may be a fad, but that has only happened after the discovery of probiotics and what the microbes are doing in our body and what their roles are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    So you can't tell other people like Jordan Peterson why eating only meat is stupid, because it works for him. He doesn't need outside sources like yourself.
    I don't care what Jordan eats. He is a scrawny mother fucker so he must not eat very much daily throughout his life and he is still alive, so its working for him. I' saying I doubt its an all meat diet. Who knows though. The reason I pointed it out in the first place because it indicates to me he is not a sensor type at all. I pointed out a couple years ago here that he looked tired and run down and I doubted he had the stamina, physically, to keep up his global sermons. Seeing how his public exposure is fading out, with a big factor I'm guessing being his loss of energy and ability to keep it up, it seems I was right.

    Ok conspiracy theorist. Probiotic food may be a fad, but that has only happened after the discovery of probiotics and what the microbes are doing in our body and what their roles are.
    Its not really a conspiracy, its more of a normal trend that is perfectly understandable. An industry latched onto a new understanding about their products and realized that the public loves healthy, environmental feel goodery stuff nowadays, so their advertisement teams caught onto the idea of using probiotics as a selling feature. Everybody knew in the 1990s that yogurt had lots of bacteria, but nobody gave it second thoughts as to its health benefits, yet people still bought yogurt back then. You only started to hear about Probiotics in the last 10 years or so. It creates this illusionary reality where-in now we need to have it! Wow, do you even supplement with probiotics? What the fuck man. Your gut is bleeding into you right now, dude. Its fucking celiac disease. Is there fucking glutine in here as well! WTF, I'm glutine intolerant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I don't care what Jordan eats.
    Then why did you say eating only meat was stupid? Are you going to say "Wow, it's stupid for ME!"?. Yeah, ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Its not really a conspiracy, its more of a normal trend that is perfectly understandable. An industry latched onto a new understanding about their products and realized that the public loves healthy, environmental feel goodery stuff nowadays, so their advertisement teams caught onto the idea of using probiotics as a selling feature. Everybody knew in the 1990s that yogurt had lots of bacteria, but nobody gave it second thoughts as to its health benefits, yet people still bought yogurt back then. You only started to hear about Probiotics in the last 10 years or so. It creates this illusionary reality where-in now we need to have it! Wow, do you even supplement with probiotics? What the fuck man. Your gut is bleeding into you right now, dude. Its fucking celiac disease. Is there fucking glutine in here as well! WTF, I'm glutine intolerant.
    That's because it's not the microbes that come from the outside that matters. The "good" microbes are already living in your guts, since you were born. And they feed on insoluble fiber. I'd suppose probiotics can help, since they kill the "bad" bacteria. But the effects aren't permanent.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that "good" microbes constantly need to be fighting against "bad" microbes inside our bodies to prevent diseases and illnesses. You know, basic biology.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Then why did you say eating only meat was stupid? Are you going to say "Wow, it's stupid for ME!"?. Yeah, ok.
    Its a gimmick and therefore stupid. By all means do what you want even if its stupid. You have that right. It might even be working for awhile, gimmicks usually work for a time. Two opposing thoughts in mind. Oh no, cognitive dissonance. Things are either red or blue not booth. Wtf how can this be possible?

    That's because it's not the microbes that come from the outside that matters. The "good" microbes are already living in your guts, since you were born. And they feed on insoluble fiber. I'd suppose probiotics can help, since they kill the "bad" bacteria. But the effects aren't permanent.

    Common sense.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that "good" microbes constantly need to be fighting against "bad" microbes inside our bodies to prevent diseases and illnesses. You know, basic biology.
    Know that we know about it brings us closer to Utopia on Earth!

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Its a gimmick and therefore stupid. By all means do what you want even if its stupid. You have that right. It might even be working for awhile, gimmicks usually work for a time. Two opposing thoughts in mind. Oh no, cognitive dissonance. Things are either red or blue not booth. Wtf how can this be possible?
    Ok, so your explanation is that it's stupid because "it's a gimmick". But you were going on about how you "don't need to explain things", you just need to... "feel it out!". While at the same time, you're trying to convince everyone else with your explanation that it's stupid because it's a gimmick? Ok.

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