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Thread: Thoughts on Jordan Peterson

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Fair enough, I see your point. I am comparing crooks in the finance and banking system to the mafia or cartel just to illustrate that there is only a small minority of Jews that are harmful like any ethnic group, but of course the issue is more complex than that. I think most of the ire and hatred is drawn towards the rich or upper class because they see the gap between the rich and working class/poor widening rather than shrinking. When you look at statistics, that certainly is the case in terms of inflation increasing:

    However, it's not just because of inflation, it's salaries not keeping up to inflation that is the real issue so this is where the anger at the upper class or rich lies because workers are gradually getting paid less and less in relation to the cost of living.

    Essentially, the main issue is that our salaries are not keeping up to the rising cost of living due to inflation:

    So 60 years ago in 1958, you can buy yourself a house at a third of your salary, where as nowadays that is obviously not the case.

    Now, I guess you have a point in that people need a scapegoat for this issue and they can blame the Illuminati, the Jews or whatever. However, if it is happening as a mere consequence of Capitalism is difficult to believe for many people including myself when there is plenty of evidence of a corporate oligarchy existing. Capitalism has been warped into something hardly resembling Capitalism anymore and rather a system that serves corporations and the government over the common people via many laws that have been introduced in recent history.

    So it's highly likely that the system is corrupt and serving a financial elite of some sort. The debate comes down to who they are and what their intentions are. Also, perhaps they are not one singular unified entity, but rather several competing entities among several ethnic groups that are seeking to undermine the general public for their own benefit, but also to undermine competing groups. I think that's why people are upset at an oligarchy or the 1% or whatever because they are the benefactors of the slow and steady loss of the public's purchasing power and income.

    The issue can be as simple as a group of multi-millionaires and billionaires seeking to increase their power and wealth at the expense of the general public, which is probably what a sizable amount of people that were in their position would likely do too. It's not as flashy or enticing as most conspiracy theories, but practically speaking it is much easier to prove. Even where I live and work for example, I've already seen how local billionaires and multi-millionaires use their wealth to own and control the land that they own for their own benefit.

    There's nothing malicious about it mind you, but I guess people get upset because they see how the system favors those that have power and wealth more than those don't have it. Also, it would be a very strange coincidence if the system wasn't built to be that way by the wealthy and powerful that had the wealth and power to manipulate the laws and the system to be that way, but rather that the system happened to become that way by mere circumstance rather than it being deliberate.
    You make some good points.

    I agree that our salaries aeren't keeping up with the rising costs due to inflation, and that that's a very good cause for creating the kind of resentment we have today. I see it myself when I go the grocery store, everything is so expensive and yet salaries are not rising. I don't know why this is exactly, I am not an economy expert and I know different schools of economics will have different takes on why this is, anyways.

    The problem, I guess, as I see it, is like you say that we cannot define or identify who is causing these problems, so it starts to sound like a conspiracy theory, furthermore, even if saying you think the system itself is rigged to favor the rich and powerful, once you say you don't know how or by who, this opens the territory for conspiracy theories of all sorts, simply because what we are talking about is poorly defined. So even if people's intent isn't to stir conspiracy theories, the Rothschild conspiracies start to spread.

    That said, I think the problem probably lies in the fact that big corporations tend to partake in shaping the regulatory status quo. Not surprisingly they almost always seem to defend the regulatory status quo, too. It seems pretty clear that big companies often favor regulations that push competitors off the market, hence alot of regulation just becomes the opposite of what people who usually advocate for regulation (ie almost everyone) intend. How this ties in to the question of inflation I am not sure, but when there is less competition between economic actors of the same sector, salaries tend not to rise, since there is no incentive for employers to do so. Where there is competition, you wanna raise salaries of your employees so they will work for you rather than go work for your competitor.
    Last edited by Ave; 01-07-2019 at 09:52 PM.
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