I listened to some of his interviews a year ago. His appeal is in giving people a wake-up call, to make the effort to put themselves together and realize their full potential. His facebook groups were, at the time, full of posts about how his lectures have inspired people to quit using drugs, to save their family and marriage, to not go through with their plans for suicide, to continue with school instead of dropping out, to not lose hope after going bankrupt, and so on. There were lots of broken, distraught, lost people who posted sincere stories and crazy stories of what they had to go through in their lives, e.g.:

JP has said in some interview that he has received thousands of letters on the same topic, people expressing their gratitude for encouraging them to resolve their problems and miseries instead of getting stuck in them, which is what Peterson has said keeps him going, and not the political skirmishing and side effects of his talks. So idk, looks like the guy is scoring major karma points by being this kind of healing, psychology guru and having a positive impact on so many lives.