Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
If you need drugs to fully understand a person, well, that's red flag number one. Drugs enhance things in the best of the interpretations of their use. You should still "get it" without em', but they just make "getting it" better. Like if you pair the right beer or wine with a matching meal or delicacy. Both are awesome on their own, but together they're even better!

If you need a drug to make something palatable, well, that can't be good. From both ends to be honest.
whats with the foodie references..? Right right Im Si so like this relates to my mind like wow i like get it.

What even IS the collective unconscious? What is even IS the sacred female? What even IS good and evil?

All empty philosophies if you have not had direct visceral and naked experience with the conceptualization and what they are pointing to. Otherwise you might as well go jerk off in whats her faces thread because its all empty intellectualizing.

As to red flag not for me at all if I cant trust you in this state to be cool and connect on that deepest level possible that only really real love can bring, or the unfettered and raw psychedelic state, then buh bye. I need to look into your eyes and see the One reflected back and me. I can tell Peterson has “been there” for christ sakes look at the man. Everything everybody else does is just rehashed bull shit and fake as fuck.

Fucking eh get on the journey and dont give me that weak sh*t. Lets eat something from the Earth and fucking slit a sheep throat and howl at the moon like the animals we are. Mushrooms are hardly a hard core drug.