Quote Originally Posted by TrickyDlck View Post
Having a sense of duty is clearly something that many of his fans want and aren't getting from their environment, which is to say that he's effectively a surrogate father for young, antisocial men that never learned to take responsibility. The irony is that being regimented into a traditionally-masculine "gentleman" role might induce 4chan trolls to become more respectful towards female SJWs, and Peterson's impact might not be altogether conducive to the anti-SJW movement.

Regardless of his ostensibly helpful advice, he is still a pseudoscientific and factually-illiterate idiot who is impossible to take seriously.

He also avoids debates with people who could challenge his major assertions, which is dishonest and disgusting. The American Marxist professor Richard Wolff challenged him to a debate, which Peterson flatly refused to attend. Alas, his refusal would have been less scandalous had Peterson not invented the assertion that Marxists avoid debating him.
I am basically a being from 4chan. Trust me, those anons care exactly zero shits for anything period in this area. They'd rather recite "The Pimp's Prayer" in response to any backtalk from a THOT (who owes a lot of back taxes btw) than even consider the possibility of becoming anything remotely resembling a "White Night." Hell, the very fact 4chan even still exists is the hard line in the sand for people like me.

So long as that website hasn't been deplatformed by the soyboys, radfems, and all around r-selected spawns of Satan that populate and dominate Silicon Valley there's still some hope we can resolve this without creating a mountain of corpses and making the rivers run red with blood.

Fun fact: this is all basically a rural vs urban divide and we have the tech to make the cities practically independent from the countryside for the first time in history. You'd think those city slicking big brained high I.Q. soyboys would wait until after that tech was fully deployed and operational to start acting like this but nope. Nope, gotta be dumb and try to ostracize and genocide them from society at large before the point you'd no longer need em' in any vital way.

Way to go team evil, proving once again how us good guys keep on beating you down and fucking you in the arse despite all the shit you pile on against our odds. Once again, shit like that is why I laugh at people who doubt there's a God and that he's good. For all those big brains they claim to possess, a random man with an ardent belief in the words of a book written thousands of years ago can consistently beat them at their own game. Food for thought folks.

P.S: The Pimp's Prayer for those who do not know of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTwtAJt1JAs