Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
A recent video of him from 2 weeks ago having an intellectual discussion with someone else:

It's funny because this forum is basically an anti Jordan Peterson echo chamber, YouTube is an echo chamber that literally worships him like he is the greatest intellectual of our time and then Reddit seems to be in the middle with a good amount of people either praising or bashing him or are indifferent about him. I just find it funny how powerful social proof is in shaping people's beliefs. This forum is a nice a break from the YouTube worship of him though, but I think Reddit got it right.
Yeah, I think I definitely give him a lot of credit that other people don't because I was watching him years before c16.

He gives me a nice dose of novelty and loses me with some of the shit he says, but eh, in general, it's not a problem if you think of his ideas as a step in your exploration of ideas in general and don't just suck the tit mindlessly. I guess that's not the impression most people are forming these days, though. It's hard for me to nail him down as a cult figure or something or really put that in perspective though.