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Thread: Thoughts on Jordan Peterson

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    Raver's Avatar
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    Default Thoughts on Jordan Peterson

    I am starting to realize that his whole shtick and persona is bound to cause a massive divisiveness on people's general opinion of him. Also, his political stance is obfuscated due to self-identifying himself as a classical liberal, which is an outdated term. I don't really care what his political stance is anyways. He has become one of the major voices for the anti neo-marxist movement regardless if he is a centrist or a center-right conservative. So naturally, people will either latch on to him as a messiah or scorn him as a pariah. It seems obvious now, but I focused too much on the echo chamber praising him, while there was a similar sized echo chamber demonizing him at the same time.

    I am not going to say either side is completely right or wrong as both have valid points, but I won't take the complete neutral stance either. I still like him and I think he has a lot of good knowledge that is useful even if a chunk of it is obvious and if some of it is wrong. Personally, I think the best stance is to take him with a grain of salt, but not throw the baby out of the bathwater as well. Regardless, it's nice to see these topics spelled out more lucidly and in depth by him. Also, even if he is flat out wrong on some subjects, that is the listener's job to filter it out.

    I accept now that he is simply the type of figure to be worshipped or demonized and that is the path he chose from the beginning with his gender pronoun debaucle that made him famous. So if people hate him because of his flaws then so be it as it won't make me join them in their crusade against him, but it will help me look at him more critically as a boon. Anyways, I made this thread so people can discuss this polarizing figure and his views in greater depth whether it is in a positive, negative or neutral light without involving typing him through Socionics or other typology systems.
    Last edited by Raver; 12-11-2018 at 02:49 AM.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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