I writed that in another thread but it was too much personnal and the discussion was not about self typing, so I write it here :

Is there a effective way to determine if you are D, C, N or H from introspection ? (it's not the first time I'm asking that, sorry)

I'm hesitating beetween D and N, after that C (C because I like to speak about many things, but Ive still a kind of restrain anyway. Ive seen ppl discussing things as if they had no limit and that's definitely not myself. But if you judge my message on this forum, I try to speak about different stuff borderline idiocy, ect. This is an argument for C)

In the dating domain, for example, I like things being simple. I like a girl wich I feel can relate to myself, and speak about simple things, like if I'm disturbing her, I admit I'm interested into her, and if we can speak more on a bar it could be cool. I'm quite direct in a way. I don't view myself as a predator who flirt with everyone (dominant strategie ?) but I'm looking for girl that I feel I can relate too and that I feel "of my taste". Often, it's smiling and simple girl wich are agreable, and will not try to disrespect you, being cold, impose too much stuff on yourself.

I'm not aware of my "charisma" presence in group aspect even if I can feel Ive some respect from my peer (not as much as many ppl thought). If any, I never felt that extraverted and the center of attention. I'm not the kind of guy who could complain that "if I was not existing, no one will notice". This could be still C or D, possibly N.

Ive to admit Ive never really found my DCNH subtype. I feel a little beetween D and C. IRL, I'm more like dominant, serious, interested about the person I'm discussing with, trying to discuss about idea. On forum/interet, I'm a dumbass sharing endless amount of useless "knowledge" and I sometime feel bad for that. I feel like it's not myself and just vanity.

I'm interested into art but I don't feel Ive the personnality adapted to be a real artist, I'm too much perfectionnist, Im' setting perhaps too high goal where art would be more about being more "percieving" and trying things randomly with joy. Anyway I still do music as a pass time. And now I want to write, I'm feeling like it could be good for my ego (not narcisstically, but just in term of feeling liberated)

I noticed N ppl feel detached from ppl, something that I don't feel very much. I'm more about curiosity toward other people, with sometime wanting to feel superior to them :/ (not with girl obviously, with girl sometime I just brag idiotically).

I'm sharing that with perhaps the idea that finally Ill find my subtype. Hesitating mainly beetween C (due to my reaction on the web) and dominant (how I appear in real life-even if I don't feel Ive that much charisma)

I'm sorry to sidetrack the thread for a personnal typing goal.

About love of winning : OH YES. I love winning. Finnisshing a hard project, succeding in recording a mix that finally look like something, playing in public and the public react in a good way, organizing event, finishing a fruity loops composition, being approved by hierarchie for a goal I have (it was about training ppl in database). All that give faith to myself. Sadly I'm at the same time procrastinator man (Ive some kind of depression) so I win rarely. Plus Ive some personnal defect (I speak to fast, perhaps Ive not that good presentation), so occasion to "win" sadly is rare and it lead to depression. If at least I was more active, didn't fall for drugs (problem wich is now solved).... But I know too that winning is not the goal of life. Best is imo to have an activity where you feel fully engaged, you improve yourself, and you make a good work. Same for "real work", (salary), I can't stand being too much static, I put myself into some challenge in order to succeed in some stuff (this can be too harmonizing)

In all... Help me determine my subtype.

FTR I think subtype can change in life. I know that when I was more unhealthy, it's as if I was playing myself far more like a creative than what I'm (trying to be extraverted at all cost). I was opposed to everything out of vanity. Now I prefer composure, listening to people and have good relationship. I could expand but stop.

Wich feeling I give ? Seriously I don't know. Ive no idea if I'm D, C, N or H. I'm not sufficiently independant to be C imo, H stay a possibility but this was never the feeling other gave me back (plus I'm not that spiritual), dominant or creative is really possible.