I think that, if we stopped acting important and started being more sincere and friendly, you wouldn't be interested in us.

In my view, it's incredibly attractive when a person is more sincere and friendly AND self-important arrogant bad-assy at the same time. They don't have to be fighting with each other. SEEs are our semi-duals for that reason, right? Kindness is not weakness, but being mentally insecure about it (like some ILEs I know, sorry ILEs) would be off-putting. I am drawn to those that can be compassionate and fight-y at the same time.

Only wanting some evil narcissist dictator is a phase I think mainly teenager IEIs go through and we can grow out of it. True some never do. I know a few IEIs pushing 40 that haven't really grown out of the 16-year-old want a psychopath thing.