I never felt SLEs were too good for me, if anything it was kind of the opposite, they were among the few types that I felt I was above in this weird way (and that in turn gave me confidence and made me feel good about myself) - like idk how to explain it, kind of like... they looked up to me in ways. Sort of like wanting me to guide them in a sense because I protected their poor hurt Fi. But then I do think what Viktor said was accurate about how both types looked up to each other too much and then found out it wasn't reality just a romantic illusion type of thing. But reality sucks and is harsh and cold and grimdark, nothing wrong with once in awhile feeling the romantic haze. =D

In general I do sense how society, especially American society values an overbearing extroverted str8 businessman over a shy quiet artistic ******, sure. (And I suppose sometimes it hurts my feelings because I sense that I'm not what is mainly wanted- esp. for a male.) But that's more like in the general sense and not really dual specific.