Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
I understood, you were talking about mimicking one's dual for a short amount of time to attract their attention. You may like idea, and maybe it works for some, and if so that's great. I don't have to feel the same way about it, and you cannot expect me to agree with you. You are free to unfriend me and think whatever you want about me.
I think I sometimes mimic my dual to attract their attention.

I've associated with several duals, and the only ones who responded to me as an LIE were one I talked to twice a week for over a year, and another who is recently married to a guy who might be an LIE. Almost all the other ESI's whom I meet initially seem uninterested in me.

However, I have noticed that a couple of the ESI's I like (from a distance, unfortunately) seem to be attracted to SLE's and SLI's. I figured, What the hell, I can imitate an SLE for a short time. I got myself a black shirt, gray jeans and sneakers, and a nice leather jacket, put on the mindset of "Fuck the world, I'm coming though" and I was actually approached by an ESI who cleared a space at a table I was near and asked me if I needed a space to set my stuff down?

So now that I know that strategy works, I'm wondering if it is worth connecting with females who are at a point in their development where they are looking for an Identical rather than a Dual, and I'm leaning toward "No".