Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
Ugh. You have completely misunderstood what I was saying. What I wrote did not imply that you have to act like an ILE for the duration of your relationship and wear yourself out by acting like another type. This is a leap of imagination that you took entirely out of your own, and it landed into some kind of absurdity. It's a method for drawing the attention of your dual for a short while, which in turn happens naturally from the IEs of the Super-Id block when you find a compatible dual.
It seems to me like you have misread me. Yes, I got your original meaning. I just don't like using that tactic personally, that's all I was getting at. I am a little frustrated right now by the way people tend to overlook I-p temperaments, and I may have seemed like I was directing that frustration at you instead. I apologize, if this is the case.