I'm fairly confident that I'm currently with an LSE. There's been nothing that's pointed me away from it. So here are my thoughts based on the assumption that I am in a dual relationship:

1. Entering into their world.
2. Emulating or at least visibly expressing value for the dual's ego functions.
3. Crisis or some sort of external trial that encourages or forces teamwork.
4. Leaning into your own ego functions.

As I hypothesized in the Delta Lounge, I think one helpful way for duals to encounter and then notice each other is for one of them to leave their own comfort zone and enter that of the other. For Deltas, the explorer probably would have to be the Ne-egos (EIIs and IEEs) because the STs seem to tend to find what they like and then stick with it (sometimes for entirely too long).

I met my LSE when I organized a fairly significant hike up a mountain. I enjoy the outdoors, but it's not my comfort zone and hiking a mountain is not something I'd done before. I have done organizing of people, though, so it wasn't entirely unfamiliar. I was looking to increase my level of physical fitness as well as literally expand my horizons.

The group of hikers needed to be a certain size, and some of those who had initially said they'd go dropped out. So one of my friends recommended this one guy as a potential gap-filler. I'd heard his name before by some of our mutual friends, always well-spoken of and he seemed like a reliable person. Plus he had tons of hiking experience and was even a volunteer SAR. So I accepted him as a member of the hiking group.

We had one pre-hike planning meeting (he, our mutual friend, and myself), which is when I first actually met him. I almost immediately determined he was Te-ego, if only because of his amazingly endless patience with my deluge of data- and Te-opinion-gathering questions, lol. When I feel unsteady (as I did with this hike) I become a data glutton and much to my delight he was a fountain of knowledge. For his part, later he commented that he was impressed with my planning prowess, the thoroughness and how I communicated to everyone.

Long story short, while on the hike he ended up needing to rescue me. It was very, very embarrassing to me, and while it strongly highlighted my pathetic Se, my overall response to the situation made a good impression on him.

Later, when we had a chance to debrief, I took the opportunity to try to repay him by active listening and letting him unravel the feeling side of things. I figured if he was indeed LSE then Fi would be a nice gift. I don't think he realized at the time what exactly was happening, but after that conversation was easy and he started seeming to seek it out.

It was a few months before we started dating, but that entire experience put us into contact and definitely put me into his awareness. Without it, he probably still wouldn't know me and I'd only know of him (and probably just admire from afar).