Strong Se: "When do I not get what I want? LOL. I just… get it. I guess you can say I kinda just force myself into the situation."
"I earned a black belt in Taekwondo when I was about 14"

Low Ni: "I get anxious if I don’t thoroughly know how to do things."
Ni seeking: "I am attracted to the otherworldly, the ancient, the mystic, etc"

Low Fe: "How do you behave around strangers?
Just formal and polite. I don’t think too much of them, but I don’t like when they’re too overly friendly."
"I don’t care for working at the reception desk"

Low Fi, not sure of how people show friendship so demands loyalty: "I also noted that since that relationship started, she barely spoke to me. It got me thinking that she had been using (me) for things like transportation"
"I seek loyalty and responsibility in friends. It is important to me that I am valuable to them. Something I tend to dislike about friends that I don’t experience with my family is lack of loyalty."

Good Ti: "What is your biggest accomplishment?
I would say getting into my college’s veterinary technology program. It’s not super easy to get in, only 36 students allowed per year"

Strong interest in Te, but not adept at it: "What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
Getting money from a loan that we desperately needed.

What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
The fact that prior, we were concerned about if we would even have the money to eat and have gas in our cars."

I agree with @Hamada. I think you are SLE. With your academic orientation and drive to get a degree, perhaps the Ti subtype.

Also, since I type by VI and avatar, your avatar picture is that of an Erotic Styles Aggressor. A fairly strong variety of Aggressor. Is that guy wearing a skirt? And what's that object hidden behind her and between her legs?